"Remember me, motherfucker? You had me beaten and starved. So, what type of punishment do you deserve?” I laughed as he looked at me in fear. “I know exactly what to do."
“Please, don't kill me. I was only trying to save your purity,” Brother White pleaded, getting on his knees with both hands up. He truly believed he was doing right by beating a helpless woman. How blind was he to reality?
I humored him, let him believe his lies.
“Does it look like I'm a pure, bastard? My boyfriend fucks me so well, purity went straight out the window. Do you know what that feels like? Oh that's right, you've never been with a woman have you? Hmmm, interesting,” I taunted.
I then kicked over his candle and started a fire that quickly spread throughout the sanctuary. I lifted him up by the back of his cloak and drug him to the entrance of the cells and ordered him to open it.
Pride yelled to the group, “Lets move out! Don't let anyone escape! Kill them all! Show them what it means to mess with Letos.”
I led Brother White up to the main entrance to the cells and slammed his face against it. “Open the door now!”
He pulled the key from around his neck and fumbled, dropping it on the ground. I watched as he bent down to pick it up only to have him shoot out a kick and attempt to run.
Yeah, that was surprising. I never thought you would try something like that at all.I grabbed him by the head and slammed it into the cement wall. “So, do you wish to open the door now or would you like another lesson?”
“I will open it, but think about what you are doing. Your father would be so disappointed in you,” his voice wavered as he attempted to guilt trip me. His eyes were full of sympathy and sadness and his words were soft. But he wasn't fooling me, not this time.
“What would make him more disappointed?” I leaned in. “The fact that you beat his only daughter to an inch of her life and threw her in a cell with no food causing me to turn into a vampire or the fact that the bastard that did it is about to suffer for what he did?”
I dug my nails into his neck, forcing him through the hall that led to the stairs.
I dragged him down the steps until we made it to the next giant door. He slowly inserted the key and turned. He finally opened the door to reveal Greed sitting on her cot with the largest smile on her face.
“I heard the commotion upstairs. I figured you guys had arrived.” Greed began laughing maniacally while I held onto brother White.
“So you completed your mission, did you, my new sister?” Greed smiled.
“Yes, I did and now for the final part.” I tilted Brother White’s head to the side. He began to pray like that was going to stop me as I bit into his neck and began feeding.
He screamed and tried to fight me off but I was far stronger than him. He continued to scream as his body weakened beneath my grasp. “Get off me demon!”
After I had my fill, I slammed him to the ground. He held his neck and began sobbing while I walked over to his trembling body and snatched the key from his hand.
I quickly unlocked the cell and freed Greed. She made her way to him and crouched down with a smile. Brother White held his neck, coughing as he backed away from Greed as we both knelt in front of him.
“So, you waited until my father died and took over, which I understand,” I started. “Then you pretended to be a good man. But when I look at you I realizeyouare the evil one, the one to turn people against each other. I went to your room before our little visit and you preach of purity but it would seem someone has an awful lot of old dirty magazines in your room. Do you jack off to pretty women, Brother White? Is that your little dirty secret?”
Greed slowly slid her pants down, exposing her pussy in front of him. He forced his eyes closed before opening them again. We both watched as a bulge grew in his pants. He was quite blessed for a bulge to be so large.
“Oh no, what about purity? Don't tell me that you want to touch her wet pussy?” I teased.
Greed licked her fingers and began rubbing herself up and down getting herself wet. His eyes stayed focused, his mouth hung open when his hand began rubbing the outside of his pants.
Greed grinned and leaned her face near his ear before whispering, “Pull it out baby let me see it.”
He quickly pulled down his pants, forgetting all about his neck and whipped out his penis proudly and began to stroke it while Greed played with her pussy. I watched in fascination as he leaned his head back, enjoying the show. Greed placed her fingers covered in her juices up to his face. He immediately grabbed her hand with both of his and began to suck each finger one by one.
“You're a dirty boy aren't you?” Greed chuckled sinisterly.
“Yes, I am.” He panted in lust. His face flushed as he continued rubbing his dick vigorously, searching for his release.
When Greed instructed him to stand, his face lit up in excitement. When she walked up to him and licked the holes in his neck, she then yanked his pants the rest of the way down to his ankles.