Page 43 of Marked for Sin

If his brother didn't like me before I know he doesn't like me now.

“This one belongs to me, you got that little brother?” Lust growled at Wrath and pointed both guns at his face. Before shooting a guy running behind Wrath who was about to attack him.

I sharply inhaled. I thought Lust was going to shoot his brother over me. Guilt ate at my conscience but I didn’t know what to do. The guilt faded away when Lust winked at him with a sly grin.

“Hey Wrath, you owe me one,” Lust teased as he walked away, pulling me with him, shooting everyone he saw.

People were still screaming around us as Envy and Pride entered one of the houses. Some of the screaming stopped.

Without warning, a whip hit me in the back. I turned to see one of the whippers. He was tall and muscular, his dark skin and bald head was etched into my memory.

"You’re one of the ones who whipped me while I was chained to the altar. Let's see how well you do while I'm upright," I snarled.

We circled each other, him holding his whip tightly and me my sword. I gave him a wicked smile right before Lust grabbed him from behind and bit into his neck.

“Dare to whip my woman?” Lust mumbled. Blood splattered on his face as he quickly drained the guy and dropped him. He then pushed the pistol’s barrel into the guy's head and pulled the trigger.

“Lust, save some blood for me,” I complained. He was cute when he wanted to be. I never did have time to tell him what happened. I was sure I was going to get a mouthful later.

He shot a few more people who were running away, he shot a woman in the leg who let out a scream. He made his way over to her and grabbed her by the back of the neck.

“Hey sweetheart, I have something for you, just the way you like it, fresh and sweet.” He then tossed her to me. I caught the woman and looked her in the eyes.

“Chastity, I’ve known you since you were a little girl. You don't have to do this,” she begged. My mind went back to the fact that she was one of the ones clapping as they beat me. I sank my teeth into her neck and drained her. I then ripped her head off so she had no chance to turn.

I slowly walked over to the man who had whipped me and stood over his dead body before grabbing the whip still in his hand and began beating his already dead body. He didn't make a sound but it gave me some comfort. I needed closure, I needed the feeling of justice done. I lifted up my foot and stomped his face in.

"What a waste," I mumbled under my breath. Humans had the capability of being so many things, yet he chose this path.

Lust watched me as I eliminated him. He didn’t say a word, not until I turned to look over my shoulder. With a smirk, he closed the distance between us, cradled my face in his hands and we shared a kiss. Our mouths were still filled with blood from our victims and it ignited a different kind of carnal passion. But there was no time for it now. We still had to find the man who condemned me.

Lust pulled his mouth away and looked deeply into my eyes. “You know I am willing to do anything for you, Chastity.”

How cheesy. Who was this man? “Oh really, Lust? Then no more feeding. I want you to kill every human here, you got that?” I sassed while crossing both of my arms.

He winked at me before he slapped me on the ass and we continued our onslaught together.

I felt so alive while looking at the man who stole my heart as he ripped into people’s throats. He shot everyone who did me wrong with precision, hitting them right in the head as they fell on the ground in piles. I had to admit, it made me scissor my legs.I was going to fuck his brains out when we got done here.

Lust was having so much fun, that I left him to it while I made my way to the sanctuary area where Brother White was standing. This was what I had been waiting for, just one thing was missing. Lust appeared by my side, panting with excitement.

He was the only one I had, the only one I truly trusted and the one I wanted to share this moment with. He wrapped his arms around my waist and began to kiss my neck. The people who were still alive looked at us in disgust. It only solidified my determination to get this over with.

"We came for our sister,” Lust growled as he looked up into Brother White’s eyes. “And if I'm not mistaken, you dared to hurt my precious Chastity.” Lust lifted his gun and pointed at the rest of them. “It’s time for you all to die.”

The crowd whimpered and drew tighter together as if it would make a difference. Some of the corpses on the ground prevented them from getting as close as they’d like.

“You have two choices,” Lust continued. “You can try to fight or you can try to run." His grin grew wider, knowing full well no one was going to make it out alive.

“Demons, we will not give in to your evil demands,” Brother White yelled proudly, shaking his fist in the air as if he could ward us off with flesh alone.

“I want him.” I pointed my sword at Brother White. “And we need that key around his neck to release Greed.”

Lust quickly gave me a kiss on the cheek, not taking his eyes off the humans.

Footsteps came behind us and my spine stiffened. But Lust gave me a gentle touch on the shoulder, letting me know it was okay. It was Pride, Wrath and Envy. They had all arrived with giant grins across their faces.

"Kill them all!" He yelled as we rushed them and painted the white walls and pews red. Screams of fear and agony filled the sanctuary as Brother White got on his knees and lit a candle. I jumped onto his pulpit.