Page 42 of Marked for Sin

“They went to your compound to get Greed back. Let’s go, we might be able to catch up with them.” He grabbed my hand and I was helpless to follow.

“Why are you trying to stop them? The humans deserved everything that was coming their way,” I sneered, still pissed off at what happened upon my return.

He didn’t stop until we were outside and beside his bike. He dressed me in his jacket and gave me a wicked smirk. He pulled out his hand guns and placed several clips and ammo into his pockets. “I’m not trying to stop anything Chastity, I’m trying to make sure they don’t have all the fun without us.”

My own smile crept across my lips. I knew exactly who I wanted to meet again. Lust mounted his bike and I got on behind him.

* * *


It didn't take us long before we reached the rundown buildings that doubled as a hidden human compound. If they thought the dilapidated front was enough to keep them a secret, they were wrong.

Revving our bikes, we wanted them all to know we had arrived at the compound. People scattered back to residence deeper within the compound the moment they saw us. Me, Wrath and Envy got off our bikes in unison and made our way to the sanctuary. The shrill bell went off, signaling intruders had infiltrated them. But we were ready.

A group of thirty men came out on the very first wave armed with tranquilizer darts. It bounced off our inner steel plated jackets and onto the ground. They all shot again but each one bounced off the same as the first time. They looked at each other perplexed right before some began to run away.

Wrath followed them with his broadsword, unsheathed and extended. He ran into the middle of the crowd, swinging and slaughtering them in a massacre. Heads and arms went flying as blood splashed on the ground.

Envy joined the battle next. With speed and precision, her smaller daggers could be heard cutting through the air as she took down the remaining soldiers that escaped Wrath. Where Wrath attacked with brute strength, her speed was what made her sword skill special. With her amazing finesse, she first took out their legs and then finished them off with a slice across their throat.

Some of the victims who weren’t entirely dead yet, writhed on the ground in pain minus their limbs. That was when I came in. With one swipe of my katana, their necks were fully severed, ending their meaningless lives.

The second wave of humans came out to attack us. Envy ran full force into the center of their firing squad, striking them in their chest with incredible speed. Blood spewed from their chest cavities adding to what was beginning to pool on the ground. The second wave fell over dead before they could be aware of what happened.

“Death has come to your doorstep and it will not be left wanting,” I laughed. When the third wave approached us, they were more cautious. The first human ran full speed and I grabbed him by his neck, ripping out his throat. The next came forth and Wrath grabbed him and slammed to the ground with a kick in the side of the head, breaking his neck with a loud crunch. One soldier jumped on my back but with one hand, I pulled him over my shoulder and tossed him aside. He landed with a loud thud, holding his hand up for mercy before I made my way over and stomped through his face.

One scored a punch, taking me to my knee, and I turned with a menacing smile. “That was a good one.” I stood up with a hard uppercut, sending the man in a midair backflip and crashing his body onto the ground. He tried to get back up but I jumped into the air, coming down hard with my blade cutting him in half.

I caught up behind Wrath and Envy, watching as they slaughtered humans who were brave enough to come out. "Do you not know who you are fucking with?” I growled. “We are Letos and all of you will die.”

More humans with guns came out and fired but we easily dodged them and ended their lives, piling their bodies with the others.



We arrived at the compound after Lust drove like a maniac to find remnants of bodies laying in droves on the ground. People were running and screaming in every direction, trying to escape as they were hunted down one by one. I grab one by the throat as I ask her, “Where's brother White? Vengeance has come knocking and the door has been opened.”

She blubbered through her sobs and couldn’t give me a direct answer, so I ripped her throat out and dropped her body.

Lust happily joined in with the slaughter, pulling out both of his handguns and cocking them and with a grin. He began picking people off one by one, still he was complaining under his breath about how his family didn’t wait for him. Could he blame them? They had been looking for Greed for a while.

I walked up the street looking for a specific figure. That was when I saw him hiding in the corner, shaking in fear. “Is that you Gabriel? Don't tell me you're hiding. Come over here, let's talk,” I cooed.

He instantly stood and ran away when I grabbed my sword and threw it. The blade went through his leg, sending him to the ground screaming in agony. He attempted to crawl away but I leapt over him and planted my foot on his back, grabbing the hilt of my sword and pulling it out. He cried out like the coward he was as I forced him onto his back.

"Oh, don't worry baby, this won't hurt too much, " I chuckled as I slammed the blade through his skull. "Ashes to ashes Dust to dust."

I removed the blade and licked the blood stains, savoring the taste. At least he was good for something for once.

“I will be back so we can talk okay.” I laughed hysterically.

"Oh, Brother White,” I taunted out loud, trying to get him to show himself. “Do you remember whipping me and the way the blood splattered for your enjoyment? I'm here to repay the favor."

A man jumped from the top of one of the nearby apartment buildings, landing on top of me, knocking me down. Wrath came out of nowhere, wrapped his massive hands around his head and snapped his neck.

He then gazed at me like I was next. For a moment I was afraid when Lust then appeared out of nowhere, pulling me behind him.I didn't mean to create any issues with his family, they are all so close. But the fact he's willing to go against that giant shows how much he really cares about me.