Page 34 of Marked for Sin

They would die, all of them because of their self righteousness.They were all doomed.

My thoughts were interrupted with one hard strike across my back, I screamed out in excruciating pain as they began to count each strike out loud. The next one ripped my shirt and blood splattered on the white altar, staining it with my bitter essence. Strike after strike, sprinkles of blood hit the people in the front row who only cheered louder.

The burning pain shot all the way up my spine following the path of the whip's tail. My legs trembled while my body shuddered, I was no longer able to take the pain.This was the price I paid for loving someone? The price of me trying to save them? Fine, let the bastards die but Brother White would die at my hands alone.

The beating continued with another swipe of the whip and then another in rapid succession. I had nothing left as my screams diminished to only groans. My legs finally gave way and my face slammed into the altar. Blood poured from the facial wound at the point of impact, adding to what was already there. The beating still continued, the laughs and cheers of joy echoed through my ears turning the love I felt for my people cold. I was completely depleted of all strength but was still conscious. I could no longer move without tears streaming down my face. In that instant, I felt nothing but pain and rage, the only thing that kept my mind working was my hunger for revenge.

Brother White continued his speech as he walked next to my body and began rubbing the top of my hair, falsely wiping the tears from my eyes. “That's right, my child, you are being cleansed.”

It was a short reprieve. It was over. I lived through it. I took a deep breath in and out but said nothing in return.

That was, until they struck me again. The short break was only a tease. With every swipe, I wished for death. When the pain became too great, I soiled myself. I blacked out for a moment only to be reawakened by another swipe across my back.

The congregation stood to their feet clapping and cheering as they continued to beat me. It seemed it went on for an eternity when finally, it stopped again.

But it was too late. My mind spun before I blacked out.

I was suddenly awakened by the sound of the cell door closing loudly. It took me a while to realize what happened. They put me in a cell just like the vampire captive. I laid on the cold floor, my back still ripped open from the beating.

“Surely, Daddy's little girl didn't get in so much trouble that she got a spanking and was thrown down here with the monster.” She covered her mouth with her hand to hide her smile.

“Greed, not now. Plus, my father didn't throw me down here. My father’s dead thanks to your brother,” I explained as I tried to sit up but my body had no strength left.I laid on the floor, it took all the strength I had to just breathe. But she needed to know.

“What did you call me human? How do you know my name?”

I tried to catch my breath again and calm my breathing as the pain seemed to intensify with every movement. “Your brother is the cause of all of this,” I started, then felt guilty. It was truly both of us. “I loved him and they did this to me. Lust told me all about you and your family how you all stuck together. You see what my supposed family did to me.Your familyis coming for you.”

“Then you know this place will soon no longer be. I knew my little brother would find me,” she laughed while leaning against her cot. “I'm actually going home. God, I miss the taste of human blood and riding my bike.” Her growl echoed in the room. “It's been weeks since I have seen my family. I actually miss those idiots. When they come, just pray that they show you mercy. Be prepared for a massacre like you have never seen.”

“Gladly.” I said as I blacked out.



Ireturned home where Gluttony was waiting, her face covered in blood.

“So, what have you been eating little sister?” I asked.

“Nothing. I haven't eaten anything all day, brother.” Her eyes were so soft and innocent but she was lying.

“Then tell me this, little sister, why is your face covered in blood?”

She wiped her face with the back of her hand and giggled. “Okay, I had a little snack. It was a small girl and we were playing dolls and I bit her face off and then I had to have more. She was so good! Can I call that a snack?”

“Yes sis, that was a snack.”

She was super excited with my response, then skipped to her room and brought me back a foot with a large smile. “I saved this for you.”

“You are such a sweet little sister, but I just ate. You finish it, okay. And where are our other siblings, Pride and Envy?”

She tilted her head while placing her hand up to her chin in thought. “Oh, they are talking with Wrath. They told me to stay up here. I love you, big brother, and I will be so happy when Greed comes home.”

“She will be home, I promise.” I wrapped my arms around her to solidify that vow.

She giggled and grinned before she began to clap her hands together with full excitement. She began to whistle and skip back to her room. I made my way down the stairs to where Envy, Pride and Wrath were sitting, drinking blood mixed with alcohol from their chalices.

As I entered, Pride raised his chalice to me while offering me one. “Envy has informed us that our sister is in captivity with your human and that you asked that they release her. So how long did they give you before she is home with her family again?”