Page 30 of Marked for Sin

“Yeah, okay.” It was all I could muster to say.

I was pissed off and confused. She just gave me the best hand job ever and I knew she soaked her panties when I played with her pussy and now she wants to slow things down? Human women are fucking insane! Maybe the laws were right. I should stick to my kind, but no one, human or vampire, had ever made me feel like she did.

I just needed to be patient, I kept telling myself. Her guard was nearly completely down and things were going according to plan, just like I thought they would. Fuck, I couldn’t stop thinking about what just happened between us.

My head felt light, my chest was tight. I both loved the feeling and hated it all at the same time.

When I arrived home, I sat at the table and I heard Pride's footsteps coming up the hall to meet me. I knew what he was about to ask but I still wouldn't believe Chastity could lie to me.

“Did you ask your girlfriend about our sister? If you didn’t, leave little brother. We could have you killed with this new toy of yours. Don't make us regret keeping our mouths shut about your little secrets,” he said, pointing toward the door.

How could someone so pure and innocent be capable of fooling me? She would have slipped up by now. Something would have come out during our heated moment together.

I was going to prove to them that not all of my choices were stupid. I knew what I was doing.

“Fine. I will go right now but I'm sure she doesn't know anything about it.” I snatched my helmet off the table and put it back on, exited the house and headed back to the human compound. I texted Envy and told her to meet me by the woods where she saw us last.

A small part of me was angry, perhaps distrustful. There must be a reason why my family was so adamant that it was her. They didn’t know about the compound, but could draw their conclusions as to why a human would be there.What if she was hiding this from me she did give me a handjob after claiming to be pure?

I rode my bike slowly, honestly afraid of what truth I may uncover. We had finally shared a moment together where she had given into her desires and that was all I had longed for again. But her people may be holding my sister captive. My mind ran through the possible tortures she may be enduring or the thirst she felt if that was the case. Humans hated us. I needed to know my sister was okay, and I needed to know,now.

When I arrived back at the edge of the woods, an argument carried in the wind.

“First of all, I never chose you. You are the corniest, lamest and biggest baby I have ever met. I never loved you even though I tried. God and my father, bless his soul, knows I have tried. You are a boy playing men's games.” It was Chastity.

Irritation crawled up my neck at the thought of another male with her. She didn’t need any other males. She had me. I made my way closer, keeping my ears to the conversation while watching to see what was unfolding out in the open.

Chastity was standing there angrily yelling at a skinny looking human. This? This is what she was matched up with? I knew she had some screws loose in her head.

“And for your little childish outburst and bringing up my deceased mother, I should kick your ass but you aren't worth it. The fact is, Gabriel, the only chance you had with me is laying in the ground and if you so much as look at me sideways, I swear on my fathers grave, I will end your pitiful, meaningless life. You are a sad little man. Now, get the hell away from me before I really get mad!”

Oh, this was getting good. I crept closer while the sun was beginning to go down over the horizon.

There was another human woman, I had seen her before in the past around Chastity. She had a look of disappointment on her face before helping the other guy back toward the compound.

“You have changed and I don’t know why. But it happened before your father died.” She pointed her finger at Chastity and my body tensed. “Your father would be ashamed of you.”

“Ya know what? Any real friend would understand that people go through things,” Chastity responded, her voice wavering at the end. I didn’t like the way it made me feel watching her get berated by some random humans. If anyone should be berating her, it should be me and me alone.

All thought of Pride’s command left my head when Chastity’s voice rose to levels even I never experienced.

“I just buried my fucking father, do you know how that shit feels? My father is gone, do you understand that, little princess? Of course, you don't. You get to live in the house with your mother and father walking around everyday without a care in the world. I had to watch my mother suffer for months and just a few days ago my father died. We has his fucking funeral yesterday and I'm just supposed to jump back into happy little Chastity without a care in the world, am I right? That's what you want me to do.”

Tears streamed down her face and her chest began to rise and fall rapidly.

“I'm supposed to just go on with my life like the only family I had isn't buried six feet in the ground, right? Walk a mile in my shoes and tell me how that feels. You know what, don't. Do me a favor and go fuck yourself!”

These were human issues. I stood there around the corner, watching as the other two humans turned away from her and left her there alone. This was a human compound? This was how they kept each other alive? It didn’t make any sense whatsoever. Why would she want to stay with people like that? This was exactly why the humans were dwindling in numbers.

I was done standing here. I made my way in her direction as her shoulders began to shake. She hung her head in her hands and sobbed.

I’m going to kill them all.

“He’s a bloodsucker!,” a male voice yelled out.

I didn’t see him return, my eyes were focused on Chastity.

“He is the one who has corrupted Chastity. He is the same bloodsucker that was here the last time when we scared him off. It's all becoming clear!” he proclaimed, causing others to come out and see what he was yelling about.