Page 27 of Marked for Sin

Wrath just stared at me and nodded his head.

My skin prickled at what I thought they were insinuating. “You think she has her? Kimberly? You all saw how she is. How would she be able to come up with a plan intricate enough to capture a vampire? Plus, she was a familiar. Why would she need to kidnap a vampire?” I shot back, pissed they thought I would hold any information about Greed’s whereabouts from them. They knew, just as well as I did, how much she means to me.

“You tell us, little brother. Why would you need to sneak around with a familiar anyway if you were just going to turn her?”

They were right. I couldn’t refute it but it didn’t mean I would just let it slide. I held my tongue for the time being and watched as Pride sat back and began telling his theories.

“So, either your girlfriend's part of some plot I don’t know about or someone else in the area knows where Greed is. You know us Aarons do not take lightly to someone messing with our family. We will burn every place near those woods to the ground and feed on their remnants,” Pride growled. “Maybe one of the other clan members got her and stashed her there.”

Wrath sat rocking back and forth before addressing me. “When do we kill the vampires?”

“Soon, little brother,” Pride responded, already concluding that was the most likely source of why Greed was missing.

I sat down in shock, my mouth open. This means I have to tell them the truth about everything. I would be forced to admit that Kimberly was just a ploy. How could Greed’s bike be there without me knowing and did Chastity know about it? Was she really a part of it all?Chastity would never lie to me. She knew I had been looking for my sister. I don’t know if Pride is right with his assumptions. Could it really be the human settlement? Why wouldn't she tell me they had captured a vampire or killed one? I needed to talk to her.

I had to do something. A war was about to start over lies. I couldn’t risk us like that all for the sake of my choices.

“Pride, the vampire I brought here is not the person I have been seeing,” I blurted out.

Pride cut his eyes angrily in my direction and crossed his arms. He looked at me as if he suspected it. They all did.

I sighed. “I've been seeing a human. She lives in a compound not far from where Envy saw me meet her.”

My siblings began to curl their lips in a snarl. Sure we fucked our human familiars all the time, but an outsider? It was too dangerous.

“I know what you're going to say. It's stupid but she isn't like the other humans,” I tried, with my hands up, palms out. “Please, understand why I lied to all of you and let me talk to Chastity. She will know if any vampire has been captured or killed. Just give me a day. She will tell me. We have become very close.”

“Apparently, not close enough. She won’t even let you fuck her,” Envy growled.

Pride stared at me with indecision. He looked disappointed and something else I couldn’t decipher. I was disappointed in having to play these stupid lies out to begin with.

“Lust. You’re stupid.”

“I know—” I started but he cut me off.

“But you’re always stupid. We will give you a day to figure this out,” he snapped. “If they release our sister, we will promise there will be no casualties. If we must release her by force, we will burn that human compound to the ground and feed. They will give themselves over to us willingly or die screaming for mercy, either way, it will be a good time.” Pride grinned.



Irode to the woods across from the human compound and waited until Chastity came out. I wasn’t sure if she was going to emerge since she was still grieving. I couldn’t rev my bike because it would alert the other humans. I didn’t need them associating me with her, putting her in danger in her own home.

What the hell were we thinking? There was a reason why vampires and humans didn’t come together. Look at the mess we created with just getting close to one another.

That’s when I saw her. She was coming out on her own and walking over to where her bike was hidden. I looked around and made sure no one was watching before I slipped between the trees, keeping to the shadows. The sun was out and the other humans wouldn’t suspect a vampire.

I hid a couple of buildings away and bent down to grab a rock, throwing it in her direction. She spooked and looked around her, grabbing the hilt of her sword.

“Chastity!” I whispered.

She snapped her eyes in my direction and frowned. “What the hell are you doing here?”

I wanted to ask about my sister right then and there but I couldn’t. What reason would Chastity have to lie to me?

I crooked my finger in the come hither motion. She rolled her eyes so I threw another rock almost hitting her in the shoulder.

“What the hell?” she whispered.