Page 24 of Marked for Sin

For some reason, she fought me on every front. And damn if it didn’t turn me on and make me more obsessed with her. She was going to be mine soon enough. Or perhaps I should be like other Letos and take what I want.

I wasn’t like other Letos, that was part of the problem. She knew it, I knew it, no matter how hard I tried to hide it. I walked around a few more minutes struggling with my inner turmoil until I decided it was time to leave. There wouldn’t be any answers found here.

I got on my bike and headed home. Once I made it inside the mansion, Pride had a goofy grin while sitting at the table with Envy.

“So you fuck her yet?” Pride chuckled

“Not quite, but I'm close,” I played it off even though it was more true than I wanted it to be. “She is different from all the others. I like her and honestly I can wait as long as I have to until she gives in.”

“So, if she fell asleep on the bed with you?” Envy teased.

“I would tear that ass up,” I quickly replied and laughed. But I was lying.If she fell asleep in bed with me, I wouldn't let her out of my sight. I’d watch over her, keeping her by my side because I wouldn't want to miss one moment of the time I had with her.

“Exactly, that's the little brother I know and love. I was becoming a little bit worried about you, with this whole ‘I'm willing to wait’ thing.”

I cleared my throat and couldn’t look any of them in the eye.

“You should invite her over tonight! We would love to have her over.” Pride said while grinning.

“Okay, I will,” I conceded as my mind ran a million miles a minute. I couldn’t let them find out about Chastity. I had to think of something.That Kimberly girl!I had to go find that former familiar and get her to play along in order to keep Chastity’s identity a secret. Kimberly was in love with me and would do anything I wanted. Yes, this worked. I could continue to keep our relationship a secret. A large grin crossed my face. Luckily, none of them knew what I was thinking.

“So are you gonna bring our new sister to meet the family?” Envy asked again.

“You know me, little sister. I'm always going to be Lust and yes she will be here,” I agreed before entering my room.

I closed the door and let out a sigh. How long could this act go before they were onto me? I needed to protect her. If she thought one vampire was trouble, I couldn’t imagine what a whole family would do to her.

Removing my clothes, I thought of the way she looked at me when I admitted to her the first thing that came to my mind.

Was my reason for saving her just for a fuck? It seemed logical. But I knew deep inside it was more than that. The strange uncomfortability that crept up in my chest prevented me from being able to fully express myself, even in the privacy of the secluded location.

I inwardly hated myself for it but nothing could be changed now. She needed to understand that my purpose as a Letos and Aaron was just that, to feed and add more to the ranks of our clan.

I growled as I kicked off my boots and pants and threw myself on my blood bed. This inner turmoil was torturous. She made me question everything I knew and I loved and hated her for it. Turning onto my back, I let the slow rocking of the blood bed relax me. Without the carnal noises from up above, I was finally able to do just that.

But I couldn't get Chastity off my mind. She was everywhere in my thoughts, in my dreams and even my nightmares. Honestly, she was all I could think about every time I closed my eyes. This was unlike me. Something weird was happening and I was beginning to like it. But to show these emotions meant I wasn't a true Letos, but did it matter?

Fuck, I wasn’t going to get any rest anyway. I left the mansion to see Chastity.I had to see her.

I didn’t know why she reacted the way she did. I tried so hard to show her I was what she needed, but did she see that?Of course, she didn't. Who am I kidding? I need to be with her.

All of the familiars that I have been with were nothing like her. She was special, I needed to let her know that. I sat up and put my gear back on and headed to the woods hoping I could just catch a glimpse of her.



Irode to the edge of the woods that faced Chastity’s compound entrance. Staying in the shadows, I watched her people slip in and out of the surface like insects afraid of being seen in the light. Chastity didn’t know about my ability to walk in sunlight, so she wouldn’t suspect my presence. I used it to my advantage as I watched for her like the creep I was becoming.

She only came out once or twice to check on her bike, but didn’t stay long enough for me to make any moves. I couldn’t go to her. People would grow suspicious. Especially after the death of her father. I was sure the humans were smart enough to increase their security after that incident.

It still baffled me why my plan didn’t work. She should be looking for me to help her grieve. My cock was at her disposal. Instead, she got mad when I brought up fucking and here we were, me sitting outside willing her to come back to me and her hiding in her little human hole.

Pissed and still horny, I got on my bike and rode back home in a different direction. I needed to clear my head. I needed to figure out how to keep my family off my radar with this relationship I had going. They couldn’t know about Chastity. As I got closer to the mansion, the idea hit me.

It was a horrible option but the only one I had.

The freshly turned familiars were forced to go to one location to learn their place in society and us Aarons had sent so many there. We were becoming a problem. Food was already becoming scarce which is why the Cromwells were overseeing the underground tunnels and moving the new humans to bloodfarms on their estate.