Page 22 of Marked for Sin

He lunged at me and I punched him in the gut, jumping back away from his counterattack. He quickly recovered, jumped up to his feet and ran at me but I sidestepped him, tripping him with the sweep of my foot, landing him on his back. He jumped up quickly and tackled me hard to the ground attempting to bite me but I pressed my forearm against his neck. Getting my legs between us, I pushed him off of me.

He jumped up again and ran toward me.This bastard is tougher than he looked.

I couldn’t reveal my identity in front of this vampire. I wasn’t sure which clan he belonged to. Seeing my features might ignite a war so I had to think fast.

“Throw me your helmet!” I screamed.

Chastity took off her helmet and threw it as far as she could. It landed not too far from me on the street, sliding across the asphalt. I looked at it between us, realizing I could use it to bring him down. I immediately rolled, avoiding his attack and grabbed it. Now, I had a weapon.I struck him straight in the face, staggering him enough for me to land another hit to his head.

He hissed as he came at me again scratching my arm with his claws but my jacket prevented him from getting to my skin. I jumped into the air and came down with the helmet across the top of his head with a loud crunch, twisting it to the side, causing him to fall to the ground.

I stood over him, possessiveness coursing through my veins. I grabbed his neck with both of my hands. And with one quick jerk, I snapped his neck. His body still tried to attack me but this fight was over even if he didn’t know it yet.

Dropping him, I placed my boot on his back and began pulling hard, separating his head from his torso, ending him. I wiped off my hands on his clothes before straightening and staring at the vampire who threatened what was mine.

What was coming over me? I blinked a few times behind my helmet and then flipped my visor up. I let out a sigh. “It's sad that when a vampire attacks a defenseless woman,” I teased. “It makes me worry for my future children.”

I made my way to our bikes, standing them both up by kicking the kickstands down and turning them off so the batteries wouldn't die. I placed her helmet on her handlebar. Surprisingly, all of that striking did not damage the helmet at all.

“You don’t have any children, do you?” Chastity asked with a strange look.

“Not yet, anyway,” I continued to tease. “I have only found one woman I would even consider having children with but she hates me. But, enough of that, let me help you up.”

I reached down and assisted her to her feet but her ankle was compromised and I noticed her gear was ripped. Other than that, she was no less worse for wear.

Hopefully, the pain in her ankle was just a sprain and not a break. But it was better to be safe. I picked her up into my arms and helped her into a seated position on the ground beside her bike.

I unzipped my jacket, grabbed the bottom of my shirt and tore off a piece of the hem and tied it around the outside of her boot tightly to keep pressure on it.

“Do not take this off or it will swell up,” I instructed. “You’re lucky it's your right leg so at least you can still ride. You will have to use your handbrake. Do you need me to follow you home?”

Chastity’s eyes filled up with tears as she covered her face with both hands and let out a scream of pure pain. I frantically looked at her leg, trying to figure out what was going on. She informed me that her father died.

But I already knew.

I felt bad for the pain I caused her. What was I thinking? To hurt someone I cared so much about.I am a monster.I couldn’t let her know it was me.Screw this plan. I just have to make it right and make her feel cared about.I placed my hand on her shoulder in comfort and she leaned into me. I sat beside her on the asphalt as she tilted her head, laying on my chest with trust. My arm instinctively pulled her closer to me.

“I'm so sorry to hear that. I know you two were close.” What else did humans say in this situation? “I can follow you back close to your home to make sure you are safe. I will stay parked in the woods until you are home.”

She sniffed and remained quiet for a few moments. “Actually, I want to go somewhere so I can think. I have too much on my mind and honestly I could use a good friend. We can’t let people back at the compound see us together.”

Was it wrong of me to feel pissed that she was ashamed to be seen with me? I frowned at my irrational thoughts until I realized the truth of what she was saying. By the laws, we would be both put to death if anyone discovered our relationship, because that was what this was. Fuck, as if my life wasn’t complicated enough, I had to find myself falling for a human.

“Well, just call me your friendly savior,” I tried to joke but it fell flat. “I have the perfect place.”

As she hobbled to her bike, I got on mine and told her to follow me. We rode to the edge of the mountain and ascended high in altitude where we could see everything below us. No one ever came up here because of the broken path. When we made it to the top, the seclusion gave us a sense of security, enough for us to park our bikes and remove our helmets so we could finally see each other without the masks or being secretive.

Another emotion overtook me. I stared at her, trying to figure out what it was. I had never felt it before. As she looked at me with trust, my gut churned. Was this happiness? We both sat on our bikes, silent for a moment before I flashed a smile, the one I always used when things became uncomfortable. “Let's go find you somewhere to get off that leg of yours, okay.”

She nodded in agreement.

Dismounting my bike, I walked over to her side and helped her off. I then grabbed her arm so she could lean on me and walked her down further into the tree line. Even if this spot was not widely known, I had to make sure we weren’t seen, especially when she was this vulnerable.

When we made it to a descending slope, I eased her to the ground to sit. I lowered myself beside her and we looked over the dilapidated city in silence.
