Page 19 of Marked for Sin

Still grinding with him inside of me, I climaxed all over his still hard dick with a growl. I caught my breath then carved my initials, EA, into him. It took him a few moments to die from blood loss. Engraving my initials into his flesh threw me into another orgasm—I enjoyed the act very much and he wore my initials beautifully.

Blood ran down the front of his chest in long rivulets. I guess one can say he came and went. Slowly letting his dick slip out of me, I moaned as I walked around and gathered my scattered clothing. Disregarding the panties, I put on my pants, fastened them, then my jacket. My boots were the last thing I put on.

Walking over to where my panties had fallen, I bent down, picked it up and made sure to leave my panties on him like a signature before searching for my next toy to play with—I mean interrogate.



While Envy and Pride disappeared, Wrath and I walked to the stripper stage where two girls were dancing, shaking their tits and asses in our face. One girl used the pole to wrap her legs around and hung upside down while swinging around.

My mind could only think of Chastity.Sadly, as much as I wanted to, I couldn't enjoy myself. I felt dirty like I was cheating on Chastity. I turned my face away from the naked women and pretended to listen to the music blaring in the background.I wondered what she was doing right now.

By the time I looked next to me, Wrath was gone.

That was when I heard the screaming.I knew this was a bad idea. I looked up to see a smaller statured guy who couldn’t have weighed more than one-hundred-and-eighty pounds standing toe to toe with my giant brother, Wrath, whose face was full of utter rage.

“Let my sister go, you giant blood sucker,” the human threatened.

Well, that was kinky. Did this guy come to the club to watch his sister strip? I watched as my brother’s eyes dilated in hunger. The human must not value his life, to throw it away so easily in a club full of vampires.

The woman in Wrath’s grip squirmed and tried to escape. Didn’t she know that my brother never lets his victims go, not even upon their death?

Pride had made the grave mistake of telling us we could have any woman we wanted. This was not what Wrath needed right now. He was going to snap, right here in this club. I shrugged my shoulders, helpless to stop whatever was about to unfold.

I took my seat on a barstool and turned around to watch what was about tobe a show.

The man punched Wrath in the face.I grinned.That wasn't too smart. Like me, Wrath grinned widely before his face contorted into one of disdain.

“Go on, Wrath, you can be you. You don't have to hold back anymore” I encouraged. It was what family did, after all.

I laughed as I watched my brother pull off the woman's arm and slapped the man in the face with it. Blood began to spew from the nub on the floor of the club, making my stomach growl. I frowned.

Wrath really shouldn’t discard food on the ground like that when I was so hungry, how did I know how clean this floor was?

Wrath leaned down and grabbed the woman’s brother by the scruff of his shirt, lifting him high into the air with both arms, then dropped him hard across his knee breaking his back in two.

The human gurgled and moaned in pain. Wrath grabbed him by the hair and ripped into his flesh with his fangs and began feeding sloppily. I couldn’t help but laugh hysterically as the humans began running and screaming, terrified for their life.

It was their fault. They should have never unleashed the beast.

The floor became drenched in blood as the other vampires applauded the massacre happening. Some women began licking the blood from the floor, their asses to the air for my viewing pleasure.

That was when I noticed the woman whose arm Wrath had detached earlier. Her blonde hair and blue eyes were very attractive. Her body was shaped like an hourglass that couldn’t be denied. My vampiric part took over and I couldn't control myself and since she was right there…

I grabbed her by her remaining arm and flipped her over. Ignoring her sobs, I ripped off her panties and slammed my hard cock inside of her, groaning at the warmth that enveloped me. Blood poured from her nub as I increased my pace, pounding into her harder and harder. Her cries of agony just made it that much better.

Do you like this, Chastity?Fuck, I bet Chastity felt better than this, this girl was limp as a doll.

I kept up my pace ignoring the screams around us until I finally exploded into her pussy. Her heart stopped beating and her eyes lifelessly clouded over. Damn, I guess she bled out after I filled her up.

This was why I wanted Chastity, at least she wouldn’t die after I fucked her. No, I’d keep her alive as long as possible.

When Pride came out looking at the carnage, he shook his head. He knew what he unleashed, it was partly his fault bringing him here.

The owner of the club barreled toward us and snarled. “Your fucking siblings are destroying my place, Pride. Get them under control! In fact, the Aaron family is henceforth banned and will no longer be allowed here!”

“I will take care of it and make sure any damage is fixed. Give me a moment.” Pride held up his hands in a neutral position, but the owner wasn’t having it.