Page 50 of Lordes

“He did. He mentioned it.”

“I thought I was going to be dead before this day ever came.”

I chuckled. “See, you’re still alive Gram.” I hoped she remembered my warning. I told Gram not to bring up kids, or babies or anything that might scare Bria away.

Everything was going well. We ate at the dinner table and when we were done we ret retired back into the living room.

Bria and Gram were doing most of the talking while I was checking my emails. I lost focus when I heard Gram mention something about the Chicago River.

“What happened with the river?” I turned all my attention to Gram.

“I was just saying they found another young woman’s body in the Chicago River. There was one last week and now there was another one. Do you think there’s a serial killer on the loose?”

“Maybe, I don’t know.” I struck me as odd, another woman dead in the same river.”

“Did they identify her?”

“I think so. I believe they released a name. I’m not sure. There’s so much crime here.”

“There’s a lot of crime everywhere.” I said because crime was up all over the country and Chicago always had a bad reputation.

“I’m sure, but when it happens so close to you it feels different. I hope they catch these people and lock them away from good. I don’t know whom to blame. All the politicians are pointing the fingers at each other. Can you imagine what these girls families have to go through?”

“I can’t imagine.”

“I never believed in guns but if I was a young woman in this day I would have to rethink that.”

Something stirred in me. I went back into my cell phone. I went to the channel 7 news website and scrolled into I had the three small paragraphs that were dedicated to the latest body found in the river. I quick read and then at the end there was the name, Caroline Collins.

“Be right back.” I leapt to my feet and rushed to the bathroom. I took a deep breath as I closed the door behind me. I looked down at my cell and red the name again.

I stood there and stared into the mirror as the blood drained from my face. I was pale as a ghost. There was absolutely no way this could the Caroline Collins that I once knew. My luck would never be this bad. Despite my humble beginnings I was a golden boy.

I twisted the facet handle and splashed some cold water on my face. I had to get out of here. I needed information and I had to leave here to get it.

The ride home was awkward. Bria could sense there was something wrong with me. I couldn’t tell her the truth so I opted for a lie. I told her I wasn’t feeling well and I had an upset stomach. She offered to go home but I needed her around. If she wasn’t with me I would be alone. I didn’t want to be alone.

Chapter Sixteen


After two days I hadn’t heard anything from the Chicago Police Department. I took it as a good sign but I wouldn’t be able to think straight until I knew for certain the second dead woman wasn’t the woman I’d known. Caroline was the last woman I slept with before I met Bria. It wasn’t that long ago. I wanted to know the truth. None of it made sense.

I went to work and tried to concentrate on work. It didn’t work. After a debate with Christian I decided to call up the one person who could give me the answer to my question.

“Who is this?”

“It’s Lordes Donovan.” Does Lauren live in a world without caller I.D.?

“After four months you finally decide to call me.”

“I didn’t have much of a choice.”

“You had a fuckin’ choice playboy. Remember I pulled you over and you said you would keep in touch. You never called. I didn’t hear a word from you. Why are you calling me now?”

“I didn’t know you were serious about me calling you? You’re married with kids. We had fun but I thought that was over. Wasn’t it enough.”

“It’s enough because you say it’s enough? You use women and get rid of them when you see fit. I want to know why you are calling me?”