“So, uh, thank you for your cooperation.”
“No problem. I wish I had more information.”
“I’m going to leave my card with you.” Detective Rodriguez removed a business card from his inside jacket pocket and handed it over to me. I took it and glanced down at it.
I could feel Lauren’s eyes scorching the side of my face. The entire interview was peculiar. Why didn’t she give me the heads up? I’m sure she knew in advance that I was the person she was coming to see today. Her number wasn’t blocked my cellphone. Something about this was eerily suspicious. Maybe I was overthinking it, but something was off.
“If I think of anything else, I will give you a call. But I’m sorry; I just don’t know much about her. We only spent a brief period of time together.”
“Well, that concludes our interview with you, Mr. Donovan. You have a good day.” Detective Rodriguez was up on his few first, and Lauren followed. I stood and walked over to open the door of the conference room. Lauren sneered as she exited the conference room.
What the fuck is going on here?
“Have a good day, detectives. Can you find your way out of the building?”
“Yes, we can.” Rodriguez turned back to look at me.
“Good luck with your investigation.”
Detective Rodriguez nodded his head towards me. Lauren didn’t do anything but follow her partner as they both walked down the hallway toward the elevators.
I walked back to my office and lowered myself into my chair. If they were interviewing someone from six months ago, I wonder how many men were even in her cellphone. They had to know that all my voicemails or text messages were basically booty calls. They couldn’t have any real leads if they were questioning me. What I knew was Lillian and Shelby seemed like a decent lady. I hoped her family and her loved ones would get closure and some form of justice.
I hadn’t been in my office for two minutes when Christian came barreling in. He made sure to close the door behind him. I knew he wanted the precise details about the interview. He was anxious to uncover what the detectives asked me. The truth was, I didn’t have any more information than I had prior to the meeting.
“Boss, what did they say?”
“They didn’t say much. They asked me a few questions. I didn’t have any answers. So they left.”
“Do they think she was murdered?”
“Yeah, I think so. They are homicide detectives.”
“The woman detective, I know her.”
“The Latina woman?”
“Yes.” I tapped the top of my desk with my fingers.
“How do you know her?”
“We fucked a few times. I don’t even remember how many months ago.”
“What the fuck? You need to slow down if you’re going to run into the women you slept with.”
“Well, yeah, I was surprised to see her.”
“Did she remember you?” He asked and I glared at him. Every woman remembers me.
“She pulled me over a few months ago. I hadn’t heard from her since. But I’m sure she has my number, so I’m not sure why she didn’t call me and say hey, you know a Lillian Shelby.”
“Maybe she didn’t want to. I don’t know, tip you off.”
“She shouldn’t even be questioning me. That has to be some cop rule. I know her intimately. This shit is just strange. She acted like she didn’t know me. I just went along with it. I wasn’t sure what I should do.”
“This is deep.”
“This is fucking freak show.”