Page 35 of Lordes

I knew this entire dinner could go left. Nicco knew how to behave but there was no guarantee he would. I exited his car to meet Bria in the waiting area of the restaurant. Nicco got a phone call from Cenzo when we pulled up to Haragios and of course he had to take the call.

Seeing Bria with her hair up and in the blue dress and a pair of the Aquazzura shoes I picked out just for her made my heart thump. She was the gorgeous and always the most beautiful woman in the room.

I greeted her with a tight squeeze and a kiss on the cheek. This day was looking better already. I took her hand in mine. I was ready to leave what occurred behind and jump back into my peaceful life with my doll.

“Is your friend still coming to dinner with us?” Bria asked.

“Yes, he’s on a call. He should be in soon. I’m going to get our table.” I let go of her hand to secure our reservation with the hostess. Christian had already called in to the restaurant to make our table for two a table for three.

The hostess led us to the table and placed menus on the tablecloth.

“How was your day?” Bria questioned.

“My day?”

“Yes, what did you and your friend do today?”

“We hung out.” That was true. Nicco did hang someone out of a window and drop his to his death but I couldn’t say that.

As soon as I thought about him, I saw him walking toward our table accompanied by the giggling hostess. I knew he was flirting. He never gave it a rest. Being married didn’t stop his philandering ways.

Nicco was Italian; Sicilian and he acted the part. His dark features were a stark contrast to mine. He had black hair, brown eyes and tanned skin. When we were together women noticed our differences and us. I suppose they couldn’t figure out which one of us they preferred. We both were the same six foot four but opposites in every other way.

Nicco had changed into an all black suit jacket with a thick gold chain around his neck. Maybe there was blood on his other jacket. I stood to greet him. We shook hands and he pulled me close. I’d just seen him a few minutes ago so this gesture was odd.

“Is she a whore?” He whispered in my ear.

“No, she’s mine.” I squeezed his hand to let him know I wasn’t going to tolerate any bullshit at the dinner table. Our tones were too low for Bria to hear us.

Nicco pulled away to scowl at me. I extended my hand toward Bria.

“Nicco, this is Labria. Labria, Nicco.”

Nicco rushed over and took her hand in his. He kissed her knuckles and I rolled my eyes. A simple hello would have sufficed. I didn’t want his child killers hands on my girl.

“What is the name again?” Nicco asked as he stared down into her face without letting go of her soft manicured hands.


“That name is beautiful, just as you are.” He was being a dick.

“Thank you.”

“It’s my pleasure and so nice to meet you.” Nicco stood mesmerized over my girl. Labria was a lovely that was true but he was laying it on a little too thick.

I gave him a quick nudge in his shoulder. “Hey, stop drooling. Sit the fuck down.” I joked. I wasn’t joking.

Nicco grabbed my shoulders and pulled me close. He whispered in my ear. “The Italian is in the building. Lucky charms can never compete.” An Irish joke, how not clever.

“Very funny, sit down.” I ordered, wishing I had made other arrangements. Nicco unbuttoned his suit jacket and lowered himself into the vacant chair.

What made me think I could mix these two people together just because they were both in my life? Nicco Bregoli was suave, charming and he might even had more money than me. I wasn’t worried about him taking her from me. Bria and I had something special. I was worried he would scare her off.

“This is the first time I’ve met any of Lord’s friends.” Bria spoke up.

“Male friends or female friends?” He asked and I didn’t know his reason behind the inquiry.
