Page 34 of Lordes

Shit! That was cold blooded. I walked over and stood beside Nicco to get a closer look at the corpse. Sure enough it was a dead little boy. His skin was turning purple his lips were blue. I blinked a few times just to make sure I was still awake. How much money did Fredo steal to make the Bregoli boss knock off a kid?

I knew this wasn’t a nightmare when Fredo’s gut wrenching sobs invaded my ears and made me turn all my attention to him. Jamal, the kid downstairs did this. I was quite sure of it. Jamal looked about six-teen but he had that blank killer thing in his eyes.

“My son! Why! Why!” Fredo’s tears congealed with his bloodstained face.

Nicco stopped looking at the dead kid to stalk over to the distraught father. “There are five hundred thousand reason why.”

“Dominicco please talk to your father. I meant no disrespect.”

“Fredo, that ship has sailed and crashed into a fuckin’ iceberg. Don’t you hear the fuckin’ violins playing in the background.” Nicco walked behind Fredo. He looked out of the open hole in the wall that would one day be a floor to ceiling window.

“The Don doesn’t understand what happened.” Fredo whimpered. “I took the money but I was always going to pay it back. Then I was robbed and I didn’t have time to recoup my losses.”

“I believe you. I even saw the traffic cams of the carjacking. You almost got your head blown off but this life is a risky business.”

“Yes, I had all the money I owed to your father. Then I got jacked on my way out of Chinatown.”

Dom walked behind he chair and looked over the top of Fredo’s head and over at me.

“Lord, do you think I should show mercy?” Was Nicco really asking me?

I knew better then to stick my head in this mafia crap. They took all this gangster shit serious. “I really don’t care what you do. I don’t want to be late for dinner.”

“You’re right.” Nicco grabbed the back of the chair that Fredo was duck tapped and tied too.

I watched him drag the chair across the floor and to the open walled window. It was more of just an open wall there hadn’t been a wall or window installed yet and we were up so high going near the opening would easily lead to death. I wasn’t afraid of heights but I didn’t plan on getting as close to the edge as Nicco.

Fredo was in a highly elevated panic. He was sweating and hyperventilating. The only good thing he wasn’t doing was screaming like a baby. I believe panic had him silent.

Nicco stood behind Fredo and removed a pair of black leather gloves from his pocket. He placed the gloves on his hands and walked around to look at frightened Fredo.

I kind of rolled my eyes at all the theatrics. Why he was even participating in a murder. I didn’t know much about the Mafioso and the way it was ran but I did know Nicco was the underboss. He was next in line to run the whole show and his rank of second in command made it stupid for him to actually commit real crimes.

Any one of the three bodyguards here would’ve put a bullet in Fredo without hesitation. That Black kid out front would pull the trigger just to move up the ranks. I had never met Nicco’s brother Cenzo, the Chicago Capo. But I knew he would have taken him out quickly if given the order.

Maybe Nicco thought this would impress me. But senseless violence didn’t impress me. The Bregoli Mafioso and their associates are all just common criminals. There was nothing special about them. They’re just like any other gang in any highly populated city. They had rules and codes but it all seemed worthless when there were always so many problems within the organization.

I didn’t agree with a dead ten-year-old kid but Nicco had a good point. Who wants to look over their shoulder for the next twenty-years waiting for some kid to grow up and seek vengeance for his father’s death?

“Any last words?” Nicco calmly asked Fredo.

“You can’t do this. You will burn in hell?”

“Yes, I will. But I think that’s fair.”

And with just the slightest tip Nicco released his grip on the chair and Fredo fell backward out he opening and plummeted to his death. I was close enough to see it like it was in slow motion. It didn’t stop me from going to the edge of the opening to look down at the mangled body twenty-one stories below us.

Nicco turned and walked away. He removed his gloves. “Dispose of the bodies.” He was talking to the goon standing silently against the cement wall.

“Yes, sir.” Was all the man said? Righty took the gloves from Nicco’s hands and we followed him around the corner to the elevator.

Fear took ahold of me on the elevator ride down to the ground level. I didn’t feel any emotion about the killings. I was numb to it. I knew I should have been repulsed. Maybe I should’ve vomited or something. But I didn’t, and that sent me into a controlled panic. I didn’t feel anything, which only solidified what I already thought about myself. I wasn’t normal. I’d always felt different and a little abnormal. This seemed to prove it.

Chapter Twelve


The ride to Haragios was surprisingly relaxed. Nicco didn’t say much and I didn’t have anything to say. I wondered if he was going to make good on the other two promises he made to Fredo. I didn’t care but I still wondered about it.