Page 4 of Lordes

“Yeah, I know.”

“So what the fuck Lordes, what is this about?”

“It’s a parting gift.”

“What hush money? Is this hush money?”

Maybe she was stupid. Hush money? She didn’t know anything about me. So there were no secrets she could spill or keep.

“No. I just thought you would appreciate a gift. You loved all my other gifts.”

Exasperated. “I can’t believe this. You have to be kidding me.” She abruptly stood and tossed the paper check on top of my desk. It landed wrong side up.

This is why I didn’t do this at a restaurant.

“But I’m not kidding at all.” I tried to sound sincere.

“Money?” Caroline picked the check up off the desk and waved it in the air.

“Please, I don’t want us to be over.”

“There is no us.” I sternly stated.

“How can you say that?”

I thought about what to say next. “All the other ones just took the money.” I definitely shouldn’t have said that.

“So you’ve done this before? You do this to everyone? You offer women money when you break up with them for no good reason.”

“I have my reasons but yes I give money. It’s easier than buying a purse.”

“You’re a fucking asshole.”

“That’s quite possibly true.” It was undoubtedly true. I knew who I was. “I have a few meetings today. So could you take the money and leave so I can get back to work?”

Her face was bright red. “No, I cannot. Fuck you and fuck your meetings! I don’t know why you think you can treat me like this.”

“Caroline, I don’t want to call security. Take the check.”

I could see tears forming in the corners of her eyes and I wasn’t in the mood for theatrics. Sometimes this method goes smoothly and then there are times like this.


“Why are you shouting? I didn’t even think you liked me that much. You’re being ridiculous.”

“I’m being ridiculous. You’re the asshole that’s dumping me for no reason at all.”

“How about this for a reason, my cock no longer gets hard for you. You’re thirty-five years old and you fuck like a twenty year old. You have no rhythm. Your hair smells like vanilla. I hate the smell of vanilla.” All of those things were true.

Now they were here, the full-blown tears. I leaned back in my chair and glared at her. She was too old to act like this. I read her wrong. I thought she would just take the money, wave and say see you around. But no, she had to throw a fit and act like this was more than just casual sex. My cock comes with dinner, gifts and money. If I fucked her and didn’t spend any money I would be condemned for it. With women you can’t win. I need to do a better job at picking the women to sleep with. None of this mattered; I would never see her again. We didn’t run in the same circles.


“Please leave.” I stood. My body carried a threat. She knew I had the ability to toss her out but she didn’t budge.

“I’m not going anywhere?”

“If I have to put my hands on you I will take that check right out of your hands. You can leave here with the money or you can leave here with nothing.”