“Good I don’t want to talk about this over the phone. I’m being watched.”
“Don’t worry about it I’ll be there in a few hours and I’ll get my people wanted how make sure there’re no listening devices in your house when your car four at your workplace. They’ll be very discreet.”
“Thank you I appreciate it”
“Its no problem give me all the info when I arrive.”
“Okay just come directly to my loft. I have to figure this out before I run out of time.”
“I got you.”
I waited for Nicco to hang up I can’t say his words were comforting. But I can say I couldn’t wait for him to arrive here in Chicago. I needed his resources. I needed a way to make it out of this conundrum. I’ve going my entire life and not gotten into any real trouble and now this evil bitch was trying to append to murders on me.
I gathered myself and slowed my breathing before I pulled out of the darkness of the parking lot into the light of day.
Chapter Seventeen
It was impossible to go on with my day like nothing happened. I didn’t bother to go back to the office. I gave Christian a call and I didn’t have the strength to tell him what conspired at the Hot Dog King. I drove right over to Gram’s house. I knew she couldn’t help me with my problem. I just wanted to lay eyes on her. To threaten to kill someone’s grandmother was a newfound low.
All these years of school and keeping myself clean none of it mattered. I still had to deal with the criminal element. Maybe this was the life I was destined to live. I could not understand it. I had never heard anybody to warrant this type of bullshit. I knew this would be major turning point in my life.
I arrived at Grams house. I circle the block three times and I was able to spot a car I didn’t recognize. I had a stellar memory. And on the second go around. I could see there was one old Black Ford Taurus that didn’t belong on the block. This was the person that was spying on my grandmother.
I finally parked in Gram’s driveway and went inside. She was surprised to see me. Instead of joking and busting her chops, I hugged her and told her how much she meant to me. How I appreciate it her raising me when my own parents didn’t want me. I could tell she thought it was strange. I honestly didn’t know the outcome of this extortion plot. I needed to make sure she knew how much I loved and adored her.
I stayed over at Grams house until nightfall. Bria was safe and sound at my loft. Nicco arrived in town. I didn’t want him coming to my place because I didn’t know if Lauren had somebody watching my house. I left grandmas house and went directly to the condo Nicco had on the outskirts of the city. I did everything possible to make sure I wasn’t being followed.
When I arrived at the condo Lefty was standing at the door.
“Hello Mr. Donovan. I didn’t think I would be seeing you so soon.”
“I didn’t think I would be seeing you so soon either.”
“Mr. Bregoli is waiting for you in his office.”
“Thanks Lefty.”
“No problem.”
I walk the corridor to the den where Nicco was sitting behind a massive death smoking a Cuban cigar. He was dressed in all black and as I approached I could see the frown lines on his four head.
“Lord, I need all the details.”
I planted myself in the leather chair in front of his desk. I did a massive exhale. This entire situation was embarrassing. I hated I had to run to Nicco to help me get out of this problem of mine. Never in a million years did I think I would be done in by a woman. I wasn’t even sure this was all my fault. Sure I could’ve picked better but damn who could see this coming?
Maybe it was payback. Maybe it was my penance for all the women I used and discarded. Honestly I felt like that was bullshit. The women use me for sex just as I used them. Most of them even got gifts for spending time with me. I vowed that this would never happen again. I was in love with Bria and I knew she would never harm me. My philandering days were in the past. I had enough pussy to last two or three lifetimes. What I had with Bria was real and I would protected at all costs. If that meant I had to get my hands dirty. I would just have to stock up on hand sanitizer.
“You look like shit.” Nicco new me well and he could see the stress and strain all over my face.
“I feel like shit.”
“Don’t let this broad fuck up your head. I told you along time ago if you ever need me. I will be here for you.”
“Yeah you said that but when you said it I thought it came which strings attached.”
“This time no. I know you don’t believe that you’re part of my family but I have always treated you like family. And I will continue to do that until I go to hell. You know I trust you. All you have to do is trust me. Trust that hi we’ll handle this. There will be absolutely no blowback on you. You have my word. There is absolutely no problem that I can fix.”