Page 5 of Lordes

“I want you.”

“That’s not an option.” I took a few steps around the desk. “Caroline this is the last time I will ask you. Leave my office.”

I could see a streak of defiance in her face.

“Make me.” She challenged.

Okay well this was not a good idea. I didn’t have any witnessed so I could do whatever. I closed the distance between us and grabbed her by the neck. Her eyes bulged. She had never seen me act anyway but gentlemanly. It took her a few seconds to react. She tried to craw at my Tom Ford suit. My arms were long and she couldn’t reach my face. I had a deadly grip on her throat and she would pass out if I didn’t ease up. I grabbed the check from her hand and stuffed it down her cleavage. I was a prick but I was going to still let her have the money.

I pressed her head against the nearest wall. I choked her just enough for her face to turn the brightest red. I quickly let her go and watched her cough and try to catch her breath. I wasn’t happy with my behavior but I didn’t know how else to get my point across.

I walked over to the chair and grabbed her purse. I shoved it into her chest and held it until she took it. I opened my office door and grabbed her forearm. I gave her a hard shove until she stumbled out the door and landed on the carpeted floor.

Christian was standing behind his desk with a blank look on his face. My behavior didn’t startle him. He knew me well.

“Please show her out of the building.”

Christian nodded. He had a slight smirk on his face. I think he thought my antics were unnecessary but comical. He rushed around his desk and helped pick Caroline up of off the floor.

“You physically assaulted me. I’m going to the police.”

“Christian, did you see me assault this woman.”

“I did not. I actually saw her physically attack you.” He embellished.

“I have a witness. Get the fuck out of here.”

“Fuck you! You fucking asshole.” The last words I heard as she was being dragged toward the elevator.

Did I feel bad about my conduct? No. As an Irish Catholic, I might say a few Hell Mary’s if I remembered to do it. Now back to work.

Chapter Two


Ihad an in person meeting with a business associate soon after my little blowout with what’s her face. The meeting only lasted a little over an hour. I remembered Gram’s request and I needed to get her books or I’d never hear the end of it. I didn’t like to ever keep Gram waiting. She raised me. She treated me like her son under circumstances she couldn’t control and I owed her my life.

I was across town and used the internet to find the closet book store in my area. I put the address into my navi. The nearest store was inside of a mall. I hadn’t been inside of a mall in years. Actually couldn’t remember when the last time could’ve been. But the bookstore was inside and that meant I had to get out of my car and figure out its precise location.

This was task for my assistant but it was Friday. I remembered that he was going away for the weekend and he was probably on a plane by now. I was becoming the spoiled rich guy that had people shop for me. I needed to humble myself. The mall was only five minutes away and if I were lucky I would park someone near this bookstore.

I parked my silver Porsche far away from the other cars in the mall parking lot. I hated getting any dings in the custom paint job. I wasn’t born with money and I liked to keep my expensive toys nice. Gram taught me to value the things no matter how much they cost. Even after having all this wealth I still took care of my belongings out of habit.

The Book Nook was on the second level right outside of the Macy’s. I went into the department store and briefly perused the men’s clothing sections. There wasn’t much to see and I left without using my Amex. I walked directly over to the bookstore entrance near the large magazine racks. The place was big but there was barely any room to move with all the space cluttered with bookshelves and tables.

I had no idea where to find my books. I passed a guy that worked in the store at the register when I entered. I should’ve asked him for direction but he was assisting a customer. I had made my way to the back of the store and didn’t see what I was looking for. I thought about taking out my cell phone and looking at the picture Gram sent me. I didn’t bother. How many books could this guy have? As far as I knew he was an actor and not an author.

I had to turn back. I was all the way at the back wall of the store and I hadn’t run into this book I was looking for.

I’d only turned my head for a second and I slammed into what I thought was a wall or a shelf of books. Wrong, I’d crashed into a person. The impact was hard and my instincts quickly lurched into action then I realized I slammed into a woman. It all seemed like it was happening in slow motion. It was really happening so fast I almost didn’t catch her in my arms as she went heading straight for the carpet beneath us.

I gripped her in my arms tightly without even feeling my arms raise and cuddle her body. I caught her just in the knick of time and admittedly lifted her to standing straight.

DAMN! She’s fucking beautiful.

My eyes connected with hers and my heart stopped for a second, maybe five seconds. Her brown eyes made me swallow hard.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t see you. Sorry.” I stumbled over my words wishing I had been more alert. I’m not a clumsy guy. How did I not see an entire woman so close to me.