“No, Gram, she’s fine. One of my old friends is flying to Chicago tonight. He’s in from out of town. Would it be okay if he joined us for dinner tomorrow?”
“Of course, I would like to meet one of your friends. Is this a close friend? Or just a business acquaintance?”
I didn’t really know how to describe Nicco Bregoli. I’m sure he had good qualities. I was just more familiar with the bad ones.
“We’re not in business together. Nicco, he’s just someone I have dinner with from time to time when he’s in town.”
“Where does he live?”
“Nevada.” I blurted just because saying Vegas could lead to more questions that I didn’t want to answer at this time, or anytime.
“I don’t think I know anyone from Nevada or that lives there.”
“I think he’s only in town for a day or two. I believe it’s for business.”
“Is he in the tech business like you?”
This was the time I hated, the time when I had to stretch the truth a little bit to fit and to avoid more lies. “No, he’s owns and operates a few hotels.”
“That’s a nice business but seems like it comes with a lot a liability. That’s the lawyer in me talking.”
“Oh, yeah. I can’t wait to have my first legal issue. Are you going to work for me pro bono?
“Of course, all legal advice is free for you.”
“I feel special.”
“Because you are.”
This woman made me feel good all the time. How did she do it?
“Okay, Christian made reservations at Haragio’s in the West Loop for eight tomorrow night. You love their beef tortellini.”
“Yes, I do. That’s perfect and you love their tiramisu.”
“I know you work tomorrow. Is it okay if you met us at the restaurant? I think my friend wants to talk with me before dinner.”
“Yes, of course.”
“You drive and I will ride with him. You can sleep bring me back here and sleep over.”
“You’re not going to hit the town with your friend.”
“No. I want to hit the sheets with you.”
Bria giggled. “Oh Lord, you can always hit the sheets with me.”
“Is that a promise?”
Bria slipped her hands around my body and hugged me for no reason. I loved when she did this. It made my heart race. She snuggled into me and I wrapped my arms around her body. I kissed her neck. Her scent was so intoxicating.
I pushed back to gaze into her brown eyes. “How long have we been doing this?”
“Doing what?” She didn’t know what I meant.
“Seeing each other.”