Page 89 of The Bone Man

Knowing she’s right, I nod, and we eat our food in companionable silence.

A sense of pride fills me to have worked alongside these people. We may be under scrutiny from the city council, but we’ve proven time and again that we’re willing to do whatever it takes to keep Clearhelm safe.

When I notice everyone else has finished their meals, I toss my empty container into the trash and step forward.

Silence falls over the room as all eyes turn to me, and I straighten my shoulders, ignoring the pain that stabs through me. “You all did an outstanding job tonight. We faced a formidable enemy in the Bone Man, and it’s thanks to your fearlessness in the face of danger that we emerged victorious. Lives were saved, and the city is safer because of your dedication and bravery.”

A murmur of agreement ripples through the room, and my team members nod in acknowledgment.

I take a deep breath. “As many of you have already heard, this is not the last time we will face this monster. While we vanquished one, there is another still out there, possibly bigger and more powerful.”

“Fuck yes!” Troy calls out. “We’re going to kick more tree ass!”

That draws a few laughs, a couple of hoots, and feet stamping.

I wait for them to settle down before I continue. “Your enthusiasm is appreciated, and I can’t wait to see it on the front line once more. We know what we’re facing this time, so we’ll be better prepared.”

“Flame throwers!” O’Hara shouts.

“More grenades!” Webb adds, earning her slaps on the back from her teammates.

That brings a smile to my lips. “The full arsenal. We won’t go into this next battle unprepared. We have a city to protect.”

The cheer that rises deafens me, but my happiness at their eagerness to dive back into battle dims when I spot new arrivals striding through the metal detectors.

Chief Lynch and Mayor Berdherst. They didn’t waste any time in coming here.

I quickly motion for Mayn to continue the planning and move to intercept the two men, directing them into my office.

As I close the door, tension fills the room, letting me know this visit is far from routine.

I direct the two men to the couch in my office and pull over a chair so I don’t look like I’m trying to take a position of authority by sitting behind my desk.

I start to speak, intending to defend our actions and the destruction caused by the Bone Man, but Chief Lynch cuts me off with a raised hand.

“We’re well aware of the situation, Sharpe.” His voice carries an air of resignation that sends prickles of wariness through me. “Mayor Berdherst has provided me with all the details.”

I exchange a glance with the mayor, unsure of what, exactly, those details entail.

Chief Lynch leans forward, his piercing gaze locked with mine. “What happened at the Bone Yard is only the beginning, Sharpe. A much larger monster is on the verge of rising, and if it does, all of Clearhelm will be in peril.”

I nod slowly. “I’m aware, Chief. My people are ready to fight this monster again. We were discussing that when you arrived. This time, we’ll go into the battle knowing what we’re facing, which will mean less damage.”

Berdherst shakes his head. “You are so naïve. Do you seriously think what you just fought has prepared you? That was nothing compared to the ancient forces you and your Cleaners have provoked.”

Chief Lynch’s next words send a wave of shock through me. “We need the sacrifice.”

I blank my expression. “Sacrifice? What do you mean?”

Berdherst holds my gaze. “We mean the child, Captain.Mychild.”

“Your child?” I shake my head, playing dumb. “I was told she died in a demon-raiding incident.”

The mayor’s eyes narrow. “You’re well aware that she’s alive, Captain, and she must be given as a sacrifice immediately, or all of Clearhelm will be destroyed.”

My focus shifts to Lynch. “Chief, you can’t seriously be on the side of someone who wants to sacrifice a child.”

He lets out a long sigh. “When you protect a city, certain matters come up that cannot be ignored. We have been aware of this grisly tradition since Clearhelm was built on these lands. Our forefathers made a bargain that we would look the other way for the safety of the whole.”