Flint pushes back his black hair. “Just more of the same. Roots gathering up bones, but not to move them. It’s building something.”
I weave around another car and speed through a red light that doesn’t turn green fast enough. “Did you see any sign of the monster Darius and Pen reported? What’s controlling them?”
“All I saw were roots and bones.” Frustration fills Flint’s voice. “I can try to find another rat and direct it to the cave, but it will take time.”
“No.” I shake my head. “Don’t waste your magic. We’re almost to the Bone Yard.”
Ahead, the traffic thickens, and my pulse spikes with agitation as I lay on my horn.
Does no one respect emergency lights anymore?
A few of the cars move off to the side, creating a narrow path down the center line, and I carefully maneuver my cruiser through to avoid an accident.
“Come on, people,” I mutter under my breath. “We’re on a damn mission here.”
Ahead of us, horns blare, and the cars become packed so tight that they can’t move, forcing me to stop. A three-car pile-up blocks the road in both directions, and we don’t have time to wait for tow trucks to figure out this mess.
The archway that marks the entrance to the Bone Yard rises just down the block, past the gridlocked vehicles, and frustration grows.
Car parked in the middle of the road, I shut off the engine and shove open my door. “We’ll have to go the rest of the way on foot. It will be faster.”
Without the engine rumbling, I feel the fine tremors that vibrate the street. If there was any question before, there isn’t now. This earthquake isn’t natural.
About to step out of my car, I spot demons pouring out of the Bone Yard, running between—and some over the top of—the parked cars.
Screams of panic drown out the blare of car horns as the demons stream past with no attempt to appear human. Scales, horns, and claws catch the sunlight, illuminating their alien bodies in full glory.
Until now, the Others have made a passing attempt to downplay just howOtherthey really are. But whatever made them flee the Bone Yard was enough for them to throw aside their attempts to fit in among humans, and they now stand in all their nightmarish glory.
With a frustrated curse, I step out of my cruiser and grab a wick-thin gray being by the arm. “What’s going on?”
The being’s hooked nose quivers as it glances back toward the Bone Yard. “It’s feasting to rise.”
Before I can ask for clarification, the being slips my grasp and flees down the street.
I flatten myself against my cruiser as another being barrels past, then make my way to my trunk to gear up. Flint, Anny, and Mayn join me.
The sweltering heat of the afternoon sun beats down on us like a physical blow, and heat waves rise from the asphalt. Exhaust from all the vehicles chokes the hot air, making it ten times worse.
O’Hara jogs up. “Sir, what’s going on?”
Troy stops at his side, his hooked weapon in hand and his gaze on the demons who flee past. Several more officers join us.
“We’re going the rest of the way on foot.” I shrug out of my suit jacket and grab a bulletproof vest, passing it to Mayn before grabbing another for Flint. “Something is attacking demons in the Bone Yard.”
Webb’s eyes widen. “We’re going into the Bone Yard?”
I pull on my bulletproof vest. “Yes.”
She shakes her head. “But…it’s theBone Yard, sir.”
“And there’s a monster in there killing beings.” I shove magazines into my pockets filled with magical rounds. “Our job is to serve and protect. If you have a problem doing that, then you can leave your badge on my desk when you clear out your locker.”
Troy’s hand tightens on the chain in his grasp. “Any idea what kind of monster we’re facing?”
“No.” I meet the eyes of my officers, the new and the old. “Some of our people are already in there, fighting whatever has every demon in the Bone Yard fleeing for their lives. Demons who can die and create new bodies are afraid, so be vigilant. And remember your training.”
Webb pales. “How will we know friend from foe, sir?”