Page 27 of The Bone Man

“So, the potential dead end first?” I suggest. “It will be faster than having to circle back later.”

After a moment of consideration, she nods. “Better not to leave it unexplored, just in case.”

My arm aches from holding the flame up, and I call fire to my other hand to give myself some respite. “If I’d known we would be dungeon crawling, I’d have brought a lantern.”

“If you…”

I turn back when Merri trails off, and my pulse quickens when the light in my hand reveals her flushed cheeks.

She licks her lips and looks away. “Let’s keep going. I’m worried about how long we’ve been gone without checking in.”

Before she can move away, I catch her chin and tip her head up. “If I what?”

She swallows hard. “My glow is better than your small flame.”

Turning, I close the distance between us. “You want my fire?”

Her hand presses against my chest. “Whoa, there. Don’t make this more than it is. I’m just trying to make things easier on us.”

The words coming out of her mouth don’t match the flush in her cheeks or the way her golden eyes drop to my mouth. But if my lady needs to pretend in order to let this happen, I’m more than happy to play along.

I sweep my thumb over her cheeks. “How do you want to receive it?”

A quick breath escapes, and her tongue sweeps out to skim her bottom lip.

If I simply kiss her right then, I know in my core that she will allow it.

But then later she could write it off as something I took without permission. And as much as I want to feel Merri’s lips once more, I don’t want our first kiss after centuries to be stolen.

I bring the fire in my hand closer, offering it to her. “Like this?”

Confusion knits her brow before her expression clears, and she settles her palm over mine.

My flames eagerly curl around her fingers before sinking beneath her skin.

Her eyes close on a gasp, her head falling back as pleasure and hunger morph her features.

An answering hunger swells within me, and I trace the path of the fire into her body, finding that well within her where her firebird sleeps. Its fiery feathers rustle at the first brush of flame, but the creature continues to slumber, uninterested in such a small amount of fuel.

Around us, the tunnel brightens as a golden glow fills Merri’s skin, illuminating the narrow space better than any lantern could have.

Before I’m tempted to give her more, to rouse the beautiful creature within her, I snuff the flames in my hand.

Chest rising and falling quickly, her eyes flicker open, their golden depths liquid with desire. Her hand on my chest curls, nails scratching lightly against my sweater, and she sways closer, drawn by hunger for my flames. But I want her to hunger forme.

I weave my fingers through hers and step away, putting distance between us. “Shall we continue, my lady?”

She flinches, returning to her senses, and tugs her hand away. “Yes. We should hurry.”

Turning to the side, I sweep a hand toward the tunnel on the right, and she strides past me, illuminating the way.

The deeper we venture, the more the air thickens with a damp, musty scent, the air stale so far from the entrance, and the walls close in around us, suffocating and oppressive.

Eerie silence surrounds us, broken only by our breathing and the sound of dirt bouncing from the walls to scatter at our feet.

I steal a glance at Merri beside me, her face a mask of determination, her jaw set in stubborn resolve. Is she unhappy that I didn’t kiss her? I like to think so. But it’s more likely she’s angry with herself for wanting my lips on hers.

“Shouldn’t we have reached the wall by now?” Strain fills Merri’s voice.