Page 121 of The Bone Man

I turn to find Nickodemus sitting on Amalia’s abandoned stool, his long legs tucked against the bar, his knees pressing against the countertop.

“Terror from Beneath.” I dip my chin in a show of respect. “Has your kingdom been made whole again?”

“It has.” He scoops long fingers into a bowl of peanuts, offering them to the mouth in his stomach, and happy crunching fills the air. “Our bargain is fulfilled.”

I shake my head. “With Mayor Berdherst dead, I doubt the city council will continue to push for turning the Bone Yard into a tourist attraction.”

“Our bargain was not to promote a tourist attraction,” the mouth in his stomach hisses, spitting peanut shells. “It was to strike an accord with yourself and the captain of the CURSD for law enforcers.”

“The Joint Task Force of Paranormal Investigations was disbanded this morning.” Anger at the injustice of it all tries to force its way past the numbing effects of alcohol. “Sharpe no longer has the backing of the city council.”

“Why does she keep speaking of the city council?” his lower mouth hisses. “Is she being intentionally obtuse?”

I rub my temple. “It’s been a long few days, Terror from Beneath. Please stop speaking in riddles.”

“Riddles?” He tilts his head, his stringy black hair forming a screen over his yellow eyes. “I believe I have been quite direct.”

I replay his words and straighten. “You want to deal directly with Sharpe and his people?”

“Finally, she catches on.” Teeth click below his rib cage. “Give me more peanuts.”

Nickodemus takes the bowl of nuts and slides the whole thing into his stomach as he rises. “Negotiations will be held at dusk on the morrow. You may bring your legal representative to go over the contracts.”

He strides away, and I wave the bartender over. “Can I get a glass of water?”

If I’m going to bargain with the king of the boogeymen tomorrow, I’ll need a clear head.

As I try to wash away the buzz of alcohol, familiar arms wrap around me from behind.

Flint nuzzles my neck. “Everything okay?”

I lean back against him. “As good as can be expected.”

He hugs me tighter. “Want to head up to our suite? It’s getting rowdy.”

I glance over the room.

Johannsson chugs a pitcher of beer while Savannah and Trent chant, “Go, go, go, go!”

Fire dances in the air where Marc and Darius are engaged in some kind of contest with an ignis demon.

Jerry stands on a table, contorting his body in ways human joints shouldn’t bend while several of Sharpe’s officers wave dollar bills.

Mayn and Webb, who brought their swords with them, now appear to be in a heated debate about fighting form, the sharp blades flashing as they gesture emphatically.

And Sharpe sits at the piano, Anny on the bench next to him, while the two attempt to play a song with an equal amount of skill between them.

I slide off the stool. “Doesn’t look like we’ll be missed.”

Taking his hand, we slip away from the lounge, leaving the noise and revelry behind.

frog prince

- Pen -

Out in the main lobby,we ride the glass elevator up to the top floor, where we booked one of the Harbor’s three suites for our extended stay.

The elevator opens into a square foyer, with three large, hand-carved oak doors. I pull out my key card and check the room number before striding to the one across from the elevator.