Sharpe looks at his people. “You heard the man. Let’s move! We’ve got a trail to follow!”
Everyone springs into action.
Pen leads the way to the weapons room, flipping on the light.
O’Hara lets out a shout, “Dibs on the rocket launcher!”
“There’s more than one to go around.” Trent grabs the second rocket launcher and passes it to Elizabeth before grabbing a third one for himself.
I spot a shotgun and grab, along with a long-handled ax that should come in handy.
We load up on grenades, both magical and non-magical, as well as guns with magical explosive rounds.
This time, we’re not going into the fight unprepared.
Sharpe’s people were forced to turn in their firearms, but they now replace them and add shotguns to their arsenal. Axes also get grabbed, and Webb surprises everyone when she nabs a sword for herself, sharing a smile with Mayn.
Amalia goes for a hook chain, as well as a bandolier of small steel throwing knives.
As she throws it over her head to settle across the front of her body, Johannsson shakes his head. “You know we’re fighting a gianttree,right?”
She smirks at the gun holstered at his belt. “You have your toys, and I have mine.”
Once everyone gears up, we head back to the rows of vehicles. The personal cars that people drove in sit off to the side, and we load into the SUVs, four to a vehicle.
I claim the one nearest the front, sliding into the driver’s seat. Flint climbs into the front passenger seat beside me, Anny at his feet, and Darius hops into the back.
Pen and Sharpe head for the SUV beside ours, Mayn and Webb joining them.
I twist the key that sits in the ignition, and the vehicle rumbles to life.
Several more SUVs roar to life as the bay door rises, and I peel out into the morning light, leading the charge.
The city streets are empty as we race down the road, the early hour and the news keeping people inside. Despite what just happened, we don’t pass a single Clearhelm Police vehicle on our way down Main Street.
What is Bailey doing? I’d like to think he’s still handcuffed to a desk, however slim the likelihood. He dismantled the JTFPI, so he and his people are the city’s only defense right now. Why aren’t they out on the street?
As we near the access road for New Clearhelm, Flint’s hand settles on Anny’s head, and his eyes half close in a trance.
“His soul is still on the move,” Flint murmurs after a moment, “but it’s being pulled along quickly, right toward the forest.”
“It’s probably using the underground passages Merri and I were trapped within,” Darius supplies. “They led from the Bone Yard to the forest.”
As we speed through the city streets, following the trail of Berdherst’s soul, anticipation courses through my veins like wildfire. I grip the steering wheel tighter, my fingers tingling as fire rises within me, prickling at my skin. Even knowing it can kill me, my body craves the burn.
The amulet hidden beneath my shirt warms, settling the flames, and the tingles vanish.
“His soul is split apart.” Tension fills Flint’s voice. “But it’s still moving in the same direction.”
His head turns, his gaze focused past the city we pass. “It’s coming from multiple directions now.”
I glance at him, my pulse quickening. “Is there more than one Bone Man?”
He shakes his head. “No, it’s all going toward the same place. It’s just…ripping his body into pieces and dispersing it.”
My stomach clenches at the visual, though I feel no sympathy for the man. He had planned the same for an innocent child. This is karma at its finest.
I turn onto the access road, watching in my rearview mirror as the line of SUVs behind me follows.