My stomach tightens. I don’t need her congratulations. Not at the cost the spell demanded.
She pinches me. “Don’t be so hard on yourself.”
I flinch, taking a step back. “Ow! What was that for?”
“You’re the soul man. You know as well as anyone that when souls cross the veil, they turn back to energy.” She shrugs. “So there’s a little less energy in the world. Big deal. I don’t see you being all mopey about not joining the big magic ball at the center of the world every time you die.”
I rub the sting in my arm. “It’s not the same.”
She shrugs again. “Some souls are just meant for a different purpose. Thosespecificsouls will help take down a greater evil. It was a price well paid.”
My hand drops back to my side. “They didn’t think so.”
“They would have, if you’d asked.” She pinches me again, hard enough to leave a bruise this time. “Ask next time. It will save you the guilt.”
“When can we return to the human plane?” Darius breaks in.
“So impatient.” She flicks her fingers at the monitors. “There, time is stopped. You should rest. Once you return to the human plane, things will move quickly.”
I shake my head. “As much as we should, I won’t be able to sleep, so the longer we stay, the more tired I’ll become.”
Darius nods in agreement.
The hag sighs. “All of time and space at your fingertips, and you just want to go back and pit yourself against the evils of the world.”
Darius’s hand settles on my shoulder. “It’s what we do. We can’t rest while our people need us.”
“Heroics.Bah!”The hag makes a sour face before turning to Lia. “But you’ll stay, right? You’re more reasonable than them.”
Lia’s gaze sweeps around the room. “If it’s truly safe here, then I’d like to stay. At least until this is over.”
“You can stay for as long as you want.” The hag points toward the hall where she arrived from. “That way to the Harbor, you sour pusses. You’re going to miss out on afternoon tea, but whatever. Go save the world.”
“We’ll take a raincheck, for after this is over.” I lean down and kiss her wrinkly cheek. “You’re the best, as always.”
She flaps a hand at me. “Shush, you flirt. You won’t win my wizened heart so easily.”
I grasp Lia’s hand. “We’ll have a new home for you and the kids ready for your return, as soon as it’s safe.”
Lia smiles before she takes in the room once more. “No rush. I think we’ll like it here.”
The hag cackles, her pointy, black tongue protruding. “Of course, you will, my girl. When was the last time you pampered yourself?”
As she leads Lia toward a new door markedSpa, Darius and I bid farewell to the kids and collect Orianna before heading down the short hall that ends at a single door.
With a deep breath, I open the door and step into a hall of black marble with veins of gold. Warm wall sconces light the way, and piano music draws us to the lounge, where a familiar siren sits at the bar.
Mayn spots us immediately and abandons her tall glass of salt water to hurry over. “You’re here.”
“Tell us what’s happened,” Darius commands.
unexpected hero
- Sharpe -
The cell door opens,and the officer holding Pen’s arm shoves her inside.
I rush forward to catch her, wincing at the pain that spikes from my shoulder, and take in her mussed, ash-blond hair. Slivers of wood chips are tangled in the fine strands, and a mixture of anger, confusion, and concern twists her strong features.