Page 83 of The Hive Queen

Ugh. Why did we ever take the mattress out of the back of the van?

Shifting again, I reach out to turn on the radio, and a newscaster’s voice drifts from the speakers. “The Joint Task Force of Paranormal Investigations has just released a statement warning of a rare species of venomous bee that has been sighted in Clearhelm.”

Wow, Sharpe’s team moves fast. He stayed back at the office while the rest of the team left to get supplies for later tonight, but I didn’t expect the alert to already be on the news.

I reach out to turn up the volume.

“Authorities request that you immediately report to the hospital if you or your loved ones are stung. Symptoms of a sting include a large, pus-filled sack around the injury sight.” Gleeful horror fills the newscaster’s voice. “You will need to have it medically drained and monitored, as it will not heal on its own and could lead to a fatality. Dan, what do you think of this?”

A new voice comes from the speakers, rife with ridicule. “Well, Harry, I think we pay a lot of tax dollars to fund this special police department, so why are they focusing on something that should be handled by the Center of Disease Control? Are they so hard up for work that they’re chasing bugs now?”

Uneasy at the tone of the broadcast, I lean forward.

“Do you think they’re demonic bees?” Harry jokes. “But seriously, we have a killer on the loose blowing holes through people, and we’re supposed to be worried about a little bee sting? Someone has their priorities mixed up.”

“Maybe that’s why Clearhelm Police are taking point on that case,” Dan muses. “Did you notice how Captain Sharpe couldn’t even be bothered to show up for the conference last night? Doesn’t look like Chief Lynch has much faith in his golden boy, if he’s backing Captain Bailey now.”

Cursing, I grab my phone to pull up the local chatter and find people spewing the same shit as this radio station.

Has Sharpe heard any of this yet? Why hasn’t he told us? I knew he was under pressure from his higher-ups, but this reeks of a smear campaign. He should have asked us for help.

But it looks like even reincarnation and the total loss of his memories didn’t stifle his prideful determination to fix things on his own.

We need to do damage control before the citizens of Clearhelm turn against Sharpe.

I call up Meredith.

“I’m working on the new housing project,” she says in way of answer. “But even I can’t make magic happen when it comes to banks and their paperwork.”

“I’m not calling about that.” My hand tightens on the phone. “Have you been listening to the news?”

“Always, but I’m guessing you’re talking about what’s going on with your yummy captain?” The sound of fingers on a keyboard fills my ear. “The venomous bee alert already has hundreds of comments tearing into the JTFPI. That’s pretty fast, considering it only just released.”

“Someone’s targeting Sharpe’s reputation,” I snarl.

A flurry of key clicks sounds. “Same user names jumped on the press release last night about the dick exploder. Smells like a troll farm to me.”

My thoughts exactly. “Can you track it down and put countermeasures into place?”

“Sure thing.” Another clatter of the keyboard. “Angel Farm activated. We’ll drown these trolls in positivity.”

“You’re pure magic, Meredith,” I say.

“Pay me with a yacht,” she teases.

I smile at the request. “If I didn’t think you’d immediately start angling to work remotely, I would.”

“Such a hard ass,” she sighs. “Anything else?”

“Any movement on Mr. Berdherst,” I ask.

“Someone’s been staking out the office, but I haven’t confirmed yet if the investigator was hired by Mr. Berdherst or someone else,” she says.

My gut tightens. “Okay, keep an eye out. And stay safe. If you need to work from home, just let us know.”

“Will do.” The line goes dead just as the van door slides open in the back.

Startled, I peer over my shoulder to see Pen and Marc loading two shopping bags into the net holder attached to the side wall.