Page 64 of The Hive Queen

Flint glares. “What possible business could you have had at The Harbor?”

“Leave it alone, Flint,” Sharpe warns.

Surprised, I glance at him, but his attention is fixed on Marc with a look of sympathy.

Flint’s head snaps back. “Is this about—”

“I don’t owe you an explanation,” Marc cuts in. “What matters is that Amalia only picked up the Shard—” He checks his watch. “—four hours ago.”

“Four hours?” Flint tosses the book back on the table. “How long were you there for?”

“Flint.” A hard edge enters Sharpe’s voice. “Leave it alone.”

“No!” Flint slashes a hand through the air. “We’ve all been busting our asses here while he’s off gallivanting around the world, and now he’s avoiding us even when heisin town?”

“Like hell you’ve been busting your ass.” Marc squares off with Flint. “You’ve buried yourself in the Conservatory project and haven’t done jack shit for us in the last month!”

“The Conservatory is important!” Flint thumps his chest. “What I’m doing has meaning. What you’re doing—”

Marc takes a step toward him. “Your head’s buried so deep in that place that you’ve lost sight of what’s important to your family!”

“Stop!” I step between the two men, a palm on each of their chests. “Please, just stop.”

Marc’s eyes stay locked on Flint. “I’m done.”

My heart squeezes painfully. “Don’t say that.”

He shakes his head, his expression shutting down. “I can’t do this right now. Not if he... No. Just no.”

Turning, he storms toward the hall, narrowly avoiding Anny when she skitters out of his path.

I whip toward Flint. “What did you just do?”

He lifts his chin. “I’m not the one in the wrong here.”

My hands curl into fists, and the fire I took from Marc sizzles to the surface. “No, you’re just the one who doesn’t give a shift that two of us are grieving, and however indirectly, it’s your fault.”

His head jerks back as if I slapped him, his expression stricken, and he reaches for me. “Pen...”

I stumble back a step, staying out of his reach. “It’s your fault Darius is gone, and you’ve never even said you’re sorry.”

His outstretched arm drops. “No one else pushed hard to return Anny—”

“But you’re the soul witch!” My eyes sting, but the tears that escape evaporate on my hot skin as the words I’ve held back pour out. “You’re the only one who could have forced it to happen. Your inaction nearly got you killed, and Darius sacrificed his life in exchange for yours! But it meansnothingto you!”

Flint’s gaze drops to Anny, who whines softly and tucks her tail between her legs. “I didn’t realize that’s how you felt. I’ll tell Marc I’m sorry.”

“But are you? Because nothing you’ve done since Darius’s death has shown that, and false apologies won’t fix this.” I hug my elbows to stop the trembling of my body. “If Marc can’t be here because of your selfishness, then you need to leave.”

His lips part, but no words escape, and after a moment, he nods and heads for the hall, Anny on his heels.

The garage door opens, and I flinch at the sound of it quietly closing. Then the realization of what I’ve done sets in, and grief rolls over me in a dark wave. I bend beneath its pressure, folding toward the floor.

Sharpe catches me, pulling me into his arms. “Hey, it will be okay. They’ll work it out.”

But it won’t be okay. I sent Flint away. How can things ever be okay again?

I cling to Sharpe, sobs wracking through me.