Page 56 of The Hive Queen

I wrap my legs around Marc, pulling him deep into my body as my release crests once more. My inner muscles pulse around him, pleasure rolling through my body.

A groan rips from his throat, and his cock jumps inside me, hot cum flooding my channel.

Shaking, he collapses on top of me, snuffing the sparks that dance between our bodies. His heavy pants warm the curve of my neck, and I revel in the weight of his body covering me like a heated blanket.

His heart thunders against my chest, a match for my own, and I curl my arms around his large body. “I’ve missed you.”

He turns his face into my neck. “I’ve missed you, too. I’ll try to stay longer this time.”

Sympathy and sadness chase away the haze of desire. Marc’s struggle over Darius’s loss hurts because I’m grieving, too, but we had different relationships with the ignis demon.

Mine was love and broken trust, the ache of what we lost and what could have been.

Marc lived with Darius inside his head for centuries, though, and that level of intimacy left Marc feeling incomplete in a way that no one else can understand.

All I can do is be there for him when he needs me.

I cup the back of his head and cradle him against me. “Whatever time you need, you know we’ll always be here.”

He curls his arms under me, hugging me close. “Eternity used to sound longer.”

Tears sting my eyes. “It did.”

His lips graze my ear. “We’ll be forever, though, right?”

“Until the world dies and beyond.” I turn my head to whisper against his temple, “We’ll be exploring galaxies humans have yet to dream of, chasing stars until we find the end of everything.”

“To the end of everything.” He takes a deep breath, then pushes up onto his elbows. “Do you smell smoke?”

I breathe in, and the scent of burning carpet tickles my nose. When I tip my head back, I spot the small fire snaking down the hall. “Uh-oh. I think we overdid it.”

The door to the garage bangs open, and Flint bursts into the hall, clutching a stack of books in his arms.

Anny peeks around his leg and lets out an alarmed bark before vanishing back into the basement.

Flint’s gaze lands on us in exasperation. “You crazy firebugs! Get off each other and put out the fire before our house burns down!”

planning for the future

- Sharpe -

I pacethe short length of the conference room, the narrow space between the long table and chairs not leaving much room.

The yellow, fluorescent lights overhead buzz, adding to the headache that’s been building since the trip to urgent care for Pen. The crowded waiting room, uncomfortable chairs, and long two hours before a doctor could see her had stolen the last of my already limited energy.

Food would help, but after dropping Pen off, I didn’t have enough time to swing by a drive-thru on the way to my meeting with my boss, Chief Lynch.

But the man still hasn’t arrived, and it’s nearing an hour past the scheduled meeting time.

I check my email again to see if I missed a change in room numbers, but I’m in the right conference room, and a peek out the blinds into the parking lot shows several news vans already here.

An empty whiteboard waits for the strategy meeting that appears less and less likely to happen the longer I wait. Chief Lynch’s schedule is always packed, so he could be held up in a meeting.

If it comes to it, I can do the press conference by myself, but it would be easier without my head pounding.

I passed a vending machine on my way in. While not ideal, it’s better than nothing, and it won’t be the first time I’ve eaten beef jerky for a meal.

Crossing my fingers that none of the reporters were bold enough to sneak into the back area of the building, I head for the door.