Page 52 of The Hive Queen

Excellent. Just what I need to add to my nightmares.

I turn the page and flinch back from the close-up view of the Hive Queen’s face without the mask of eggs.

Instead of a human mouth, two pincers on either side of her face open grotesquely wide, and a long, tube-like tongue hangs to her waist.

The Hive Queen will continue to cover her victim in venom throughout the mating process to distract him as she removes the entire genital area, as well as the surrounding flesh, to ensure no other mates can come in behind her and collect more seed.

My pulse quickens, and I sit up straighter in my chair.

Once the seed is collected, the Hive Queen returns to her nest and fertilizes her eggs over the course of a week, after which she will go out to find more. It will take her twelve fertilization cycles before her eggs absorb enough life to hatch.

Each clutch births a dozen new queens that devour the original queen and the remaining eggs, consuming the magic they hold to grow quickly before setting out into the world to repeat the cycle.

My stomach tightens. At a twelve-week fertilization cycle, they’d wipe out every man on the human plane in under three years. Less if the elderly and children are taken out of the equation.

I flip to the next page, but it switches to a different monster.

Bolting to my feet, I stride over to Enyo and the sludge demon. I ignore the way she’s half buried inside its body and thrust the book at her. “I need more information on the Hive Queen.”

Her head swivels one-hundred-eighty degrees to glare up at me. “Can’t you see I’m busy?”

“This is more important than what you’re doing,” I snap. “We’re talking extinction-level emergency. If that happens, there won’t be any more playing the field. There will be no field.”

“You’re really cramping my style here.” She hooks a claw toward the table. “Try the one with the green spine. Now leave me alone. I’m just getting to the good part.”

The sludge demon pops bubbles at me in a display of aggression.

I walk back to the table and push the books aside until I find the one she indicated. Flipping to the back to search the index, I turn to the corresponding page.

The Hive Queen, see also Widow Maker and Seed Stealer

Not much is known about the Hive Queen. The cult that gave her life vanished before they could be questioned. The only item that could be found belonging to the cult was the Shard of Eternity, which held the magic to bring the Hive Queen to life and the ability to destroy her.

When I flip to the back of the book, I can’t find a reference for the Shard of Eternity.

I turn back to the squelching pair. “Enyo, I need a different book. One about the Shard of Eternity.”

Enyo hisses at me. “You are seriously spoiling my mood, kid.”

I lean down until our noses touch. “You are the Librarian. It is your job to provide knowledge, not use this place as your personal sex dungeon. Get me the book, or I’ll rip the energy core out of this demon and leave you playing in lifeless mud.”

“Oh, I like it when you drop the mask. Be mean to me, daddy.” She pulls herself free with a sucking pop, falling to the floor.

With a shake of her rags to free them of mud, she waddles to a bookshelf, an extra sway to her bulbous hips. A thump of her fist topples a book from the shelf at the top.

She catches it and shoves it at me. “Here. Happy?”

“Not in the least.” I flip to the right page, which displays a spear with a teardrop-style point.

I skim the page, and my stomach drops as dread seeps in.

The Shard of Eternity

Created by the cult of the Hive Queen and imbued with the magic of life.

Last known location: In the possession of Darius of Fumontis, Court Guard to Lord Talkis of the demon court.

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