Page 49 of The Hive Queen

My stomach rumbles. “I’ll have the same, but make mine rare and hold the cake.”

When he leaves, Amalia props her elbows on the table. “So, tell me about your latest adventure.”

I set my menu on top of hers. “I was working with Trent’s team.”

“Badass facial scar,” she interjects.

I kick her under the table. “Sloppy ass facial scar, and he’ll be the first to say so.”

She rolls her eyes. “Fine, whatever.”

“Anyway, he called me in as backup on a job because their usual guy was out of commission.” I settle back in my chair. “The job was to infiltrate the lair of a danguri.”

She pulls back. “Oh, yeah? Those are pretty dangerous.”

I nod in agreement. “Luckily, we didn’t need to steal something from its hoard. Not that anyone would pay for what that thing was collecting. Mountains of trash from floor to ceiling.”

Her hand moves to the box beside her. “What were you after, then?”

“Some crystal spearhead thing the previous homeowners stashed there.” I shrug. “Not even made of diamonds, so I don’t know what was special about it. The real story is how the danguri almost caught us at the end. Savannah knocked over one of the trash piles and nearly got us caught.”

The waiter arrives with our drinks, and I turn to thank him.

When I turn back, the seat across from me is empty.

Frowning, I glance around but find no sign of Amalia anywhere.

What the fuck?

Why would she bail before the food even arrived?

squelch and slurp

- Flint -

The wordsin front of me blur, and I rub my tired eyes.

After hours of poring over books on monsters that kill during mating, I’m terrified for the continuation of the human race.

Yes, many of these monsters are extinct, but I’ve seen enough movies to know that’s not the deterrent it should be. Scientists are far too eager to resurrect things that should otherwise be left dead.

A heavy stack of books thuds down onto the table I sit at. “Here’s some more for you to search through, hot stuff.”

Great, even more books about mate killers. Who knew there were so many? Not me when I told Pen I’d take care of this side of the research.

I give the Librarian a half-hearted smile. “You’re a gem, Enyo.”

“Why so glum, chum?” The hag waddles over and climbs up onto the chair beside me, her beady, black eyes glinting from beneath the heavy sag of her eyelids. “You haven’t tried to talk me out of my clothes once since you arrived. I’m beginning to worry about you.”

I eye the black rags that swaddle her squat, round body. “Aren’t you back with Landregath now? I’d never encroach on a High Council member’s woman.”

The incubus and hag have a long, on-again, off-again relationship, but the last I heard, they were on again.

She waves one wrinkled, sharply-clawed hand. “Bah. After spending so many months locked up together, I remembered why I left him to begin with.”

I tilt my head in confusion. “Didn’t your appointment as the Librarian mess up your wedding plans?”

“And him getting tapped as a High Councilor ruined it again.” She snorts, the tip of her long, hooked nose twitching. “I’m a free woman, traveling the realms. No way am I getting tied down by some musty bureaucrat.” She hooks a knobby thumb over her shoulder. “Now I’m living the dream and playing the field.”