I just need to find a way to be with them again and not resent what I’ve lost.
kick in the ass
- Pen -
The sun paintsthe sky pink by the time we leave the crime scene.
The coroner’s office arrived an hour earlier to take the body, and every inch of the alleyway has been photographed, swabbed, and logged.
Flint rubs the back of his neck as we head out to the street. “Can we hit up Hoppers before going into the office?”
My stomach rumbles in agreement. The egg sandwich Sharpe made me wore off fast, as did the coffee. “I’d love a bacon cheeseburger and hash browns.”
“Sounds good to me.” Sharpe rolls his shoulders. “We can bring some back for the rest of the team, too, since they’ve been here all night.”
“I hope they have ribs left over.” Mayn licks her lips. “I would like to sink my teeth into flesh right now.”
The statement earns her a couple of sideways glances, but is what she said wrong? I, too, crave to sink my teeth into food. It just doesn’t sound as horrifying when packaged up into consumer-accepted terms like cheeseburger.
We step out of the alley to find Johannsson leaning against his squad car, his eyes red-rimmed with fatigue, but still alert.
A glance down the street shows Bailey’s people haven’t given up yet, either.
With better light, I can make out two figures sitting in the front, and the rising sun glints off something in the passenger’s hands.
I turn my head away so they can’t see my mouth. “They’re recording the scene.”
Sharpe’s fingers flex with the urge to ball into fists. “Nothing I can do about it.”
Johannsson straightens away from his car as we near. “Are we wrapping up?”
Sharpe nods. “I don’t like those vultures hovering nearby, though. Call in some juniors to guard the crime scene. I don’t want Bailey’s people messing it up before we’re finished.”
“Sounds good.” He stifles a yawn. “I need to get our witness back to the precinct, too.”
Sharpe frowns. “You didn’t send her to lock up yet? We’ve been here for hours.”
Johannsson shakes his head. “No one to watch the street or take her in for me. But I gave her food and water a bit ago.”
I peer into the back of his car and stifle a laugh. “Good luck taking her to lockup, Paul.”
Johannsson’s irritated gaze shifts to me. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Flint bends to check the backseat and starts laughing. “You have a runner.”
Johannsson spins toward his car, then gapes at the empty backseat. “What the hell? I’ve been here the whole time!”
“Weren’t you listening when we said she’s working cases with us? You should have never taken your eyes off of her.” I turn to Sharpe. “But you now have a reason to confiscate that camera.”
With a displeased glower, Sharpe jerks his chin at Johannsson.
The detective sputters out curses but stomps over to the police car and taps on the driver’s side window.
The sound of argument drifts down the street.
Mayn walks over to the car. “Should I see if I can track her?”
Flint joins her and opens the back door. “You can try, but Amalia is good at covering her tracks. It’s one of her specialties.”