My heart sings with the desire to stand with them, to embrace the heat of fire on my skin, and the amulet beneath my shirt warms in response.
Gaze locked on the men, Sharpe reaches out to grasp my arm. “Hold steady, everyone.”
His touch calms the restless desire within me, and I take a deep breath. My time will come soon enough, and I can’t be distracted by the roiling temptation of flames.
The fire spreads up the walls, reaching for the ceiling and the hives hidden there.
Motion comes from the shadows, and the flames suddenly snuff out to reveal three women in various types of clothing, from soccer mom to businesswoman.
They stand with their hands outstretched, flames flickering around their fingertips, and the tall form of the Hive Queen rises behind them.
Her large eyes fix on Darius, and the pincers around her mouth spread wide in a hiss, “Darius of Fumontis.”
Darius dips his chin. “We meet again, Hive Queen.”
“I am better prepared this time. Did you think I would not learn from your tricks, nest destroyer? You will not burn my nest again.” The Hive Queen gestures to the handmaidens in front of her. “Fire witches to counter your flames.”
It’s a good thing Sharpe didn’t go with Darius’s plan and rely on burning her out of her nest.
The Hive Queen’s large eyes shift to me. “You would have made an excellent addition to my collection, Eater of Fire.”
A shiver goes through me, and goose bumps rise on the back of my neck. “I’ll pass.”
“No matter. I will destroy you all and feed you to my young.” Her gaze settles on Flint, and her pincers click with excitement. “All but you, my eternal mate.”
Anny growls at Flint’s side, and he drops a hand to the top of her head.
Sharpe gestures to Trent’s people. “What are you waiting for?”
“Oh, I thought we were letting her pontificate.” Trent lifts a tube to his shoulder and takes aim.
Elizabeth and Mayn do the same, and they launch canisters of what Xander callsLullabyinto the cave.
The canisters hit the ground in front of the witches, and purple smoke shoots into the air.
The Hive Queen shrieks and scuttles backward. “What is this?”
“Modern witchcraft, bitch!” Amalia shouts with glee, hefting her spear and looking ready to launch into the attack.
Flint clamps a hand onto her shoulder. “Wait for the right moment.”
Inside the cave, the witches stagger together before falling to the ground unconscious.
The Hive Queen stares down at her handmaidens, then lets out a piercing shriek, and the hives rip open.
Darius flexes his fingers. “Let’s try that again.”
Fire once more flows from their hands, sweeping around the fallen witches and engulfing the nests.
Thousands of bees swarm out of the cave, heading for Marc and Darius to eliminate the threat.
A grin spreads over my face as I step forward, the amulet against my chest burning with eagerness to be used.
Wings of flame unfurl from my back, curving around Darius and Marc, and the bees, with their single directive, fly straight into a fiery death.
The Hive Queen’s shriek comes again, and she vanishes deeper into the cave.
The fire pouring from Darius and Marc cuts off, and the two men turn toward me, their eyes reflecting my hungry flames.