Page 123 of The Hive Queen

“Yes.” I slip the case back into my pocket and finish locking my office. “Let’s head out. I could use that drink.”

coming home

- Marc -

True to fashionfor Trent’s team, they start the celebration with a round of shots for everyone, and by the time Sharpe arrives with his people, there’s already a good buzz going.

Elizabeth had gone to their hotel to pick up Jerry, and the slender man sits on her lap, eagerly listening to the recounting of the battle against the Hive Queen.

Burgers and appetizers soon fill the table, and Savannah starts an impromptu karaoke based on whatever is playing from the restaurant speakers.

More people from the JTFPI join us, and the celebration turns into a proper party, where the owners of the restaurant temporarily shut the doors to anyone who’s not from the Woo Woo Squad.

Anny bounces between tables, begging for food from anyone foolish enough to give in to her puppy eyes.

Around nine o’clock, I notice Flint in one of the booths, his head leaning back against the wall and his eyes closed.

I tap Pen’s shoulder and nod toward him. “I’m going to take pretty boy home and tuck him in.”

The happy glimmer in her eyes turns to concern. “Do you want me to come, too?”

I shake my head. “Stay and have fun. And keep an eye on Sharpe. His subordinates aren’t going easy on him.”

Every time Sharpe’s glass nears the halfway mark, one of his offers tops him off from the pitchers of beer on the table. It looks like they want to see their boss finally cut loose, and he takes the ribbing in stride.

Cheeks flushed from the celebration, Pen nods and returns to her heated discussion with O’Hara about the best type of bladed weaponry.

I stride to the booth, haul Flint out, and drape his arm over my shoulders.

His head lifts, and he looks around blearily. “Is the party over already?”

“It is for you.” I whistle, and Anny steals a fry off a distracted officer’s plate before she bounds over to join us. “We’re going home.”

“I can stay longer,” he protests, his weight against my side.

“You’ve pushed yourself hard enough.” I half-carry him toward the door. “It’s time for you to rest.”

He nuzzles sleepily against my side. “Such a mother hen.”

As I reach the door, Darius steps out from the crowd to push it open, then walks out onto the street with me.

I glance up at him in surprise. “You’re not staying?”

He shakes his head. “The crowd is a bit much for me after so long of not being around people.”

Guilt slices through me, and I focus on loading Flint into the back of the car. “I’m sorry you went through all of that. And you haven’t even had a chance to fully recover since we freed you.”

His hand touches my arm as I straighten. “It’s not the last month, as miserable as that was. It’s…” His brow furrows as he searches for a way to explain. “I have not walked in a corporeal form in so long. I find myself uncomfortable in my own skin.”

“It’s strange having you walk beside me instead of…” I clear my throat. “But it must be nice to walk around a free man, without fearing what the council will do if they find you.”

“It’s liberating.” He draws in a deep breath and closes his eyes. “The world is new for me.”

I hesitate for a moment. “You know, you’re no longer bound to stay with us. You have your touchstone and a massive bank account. If you want to travel and see the world, you can.”

His eyes slit open, fire burning in their depths. “Is that what you wish for me to do?”

“I wish for you to be happy,” I say gruffly before stepping away to walk to the driver’s side door and slide behind the wheel.