Page 107 of The Hive Queen

Nods go around the table.

“You mistake me. This is not an offer togiveyou the demon plane.” I sweep a look over the table. “This is your chance to keep it and everyone in this world alive.”

“You are threatening the demon court, and that will not be tolerated.” Lord Talkis gestures for one of the guards behind them to step forward. “Have Lady Merripen—”

“It is not a threat, Lord Talkis,” I interrupt, raising my voice to be heard over the growing commotion of the beings behind me. “It is my right by way of blood debt.”

“Interesting.” Lord Hoqi motions for the guard to stand down. “Explain.”

“This court killed me during the Great War.” My words ring over the noise, and quiet falls. “I did not die in battle. My death was not honorable. I was murdered, and by demon law, a blood debt for that is owed.”

“Lord Marius waved away the right to that debt.” Lord Talkis leans forward. “We have it in his own blood. There is no debt owed.”

“The debt can only be forgiven by a family member in the absence of the wronged party.” I gesture to myself. “I am here, so his signature means nothing.”

Lork Talkis waves that away. “A technicality.”

“A point of law that will be enforced.” I give him a hard stare. “You once counted my life worth the entire demon realm. It is the price this court assigned to me at my death. By right of blood debt, this world now belongs to me.”

“Fascinating.” Lord Hoqi’s yellow eyes brighten with interest. “This will require a greater court than ours to confirm. Arrangements will be made to put your case before the High Lords.”

“No,” I say before he can rap his knuckles against the table. “It will be decidednow, or I will take rightful ownership of the demon plane and destroy ittoday.”

Lord Hoqi’s eyes narrow. “You have won your right to speak to the higher court, Lady Merripen. Take the victory and return to your seat before you are arrested for threatening the court.”

“It is not a threat, Lord Hoqi. It is a promise.” I touch the amulet under my shirt, and fire blooms beneath my fingers. “The demon court likes to think itself immortal, untouchable behind the protection of your station, but you can die. Your energy cores can be snuffed out, and you will cease to exist.”

The fire grows beneath my hand, spreading over my shoulders. “But I do not suffer such weakness. I have been cast into the ley lines, and the magic of existencedid not want me. This court is responsible for what I am, and if you kill me, I will rise again and again. I will return, and I will bring fire.”

The flames spread into wings at my back. “I will consume this world and burn it until nothing is left. And then I will sift through the ashes and find Darius of Fumontis, because he, too, is eternal, and he belongs to no one.”

The reflection of my fire dances across the glossy white walls, painting the room in death. “My blood debt will be paid today, one way or the other. So, decidenow, before I lose my patience.”

Lord Talkis turns to my sire. “Lord Marius, what do you have to say about this?”

My sire stands and steps forward, towering at my back. “You once asked me if one life was worth more than the entirety of the demon plane. Back then, I chose the greater good, and you took my daughter from me.”

With no regard for the flames, his hand settles on my shoulder. “My daughter now stands before you, putting forward the same question. It’s your turn to choose the greater good, Lord Talkis.”

bottle and boon

- Darius -

Lady Casira withdraws one long,metal rod from the dozen others that heat in the forge and turns toward me with a cruel smile on her narrow lips. The surface of the metal glows yellow down its length and red at the tip, the heat of it singing to me, though every muscle in my body rebels as she approaches.

I shrink back, and the previous rod that she had driven through my right shoulder shifts, tearing at my flesh.

Her smile broadens. “Oh, good, you’re finally showing fear. Is it not liberating to let go of pride and allow baser instincts to take control? There is freedom in giving yourself wholly to your master.”

The chains on my wrists rattle when I raise my hands in self-defense, and the collar around my throat tightens, cutting off my air supply.

Every chain that restrains me threads through a ring welded to the floor behind me, then switches back and attaches to the back of the metal band around my throat. I can’t move without strangling myself.

“Is this the first time you’ve experienced pain from fire?” She strides closer, raising the red-hot rod. “Few ignis demons are allowed the exquisite gift of dying by the very element that gives them life.”

Even knowing there’s no way to stop her, my hands jerk upward again, the collar cutting into my throat, but my arms only move a few inches.

“It’s okay,” Lady Casira coos. “It’s instinctual to fight. But only your acceptance and obedience can stop this.”