Page 35 of The Force of Five

“Love, move over so you cover the light,” I murmur.

“Needs your . . . help,” she finishes.

“Our king is coming up,” I hear Drez call, and then Shok and Trek pull him up. When he reaches the top, both men bend down, pulling him through the hole into the light. Immediately, I can tell that his wounds are draining his life force. Now that I see what looks like various cuts and a gaping wound on his leg, I understand my mother’s anxiety to have us help him.

“Dad?” I call, but contrary to my mother, he doesn’t open his eyes or show any sign of being conscious. “We need to clean his wounds.” Hope, too, comes to see the damage.

“Use your . . . gifts,” Mom murmurs as she slowly stretches out her hand to touch my dad’s leg.

“Oh, Mom, we can’t. We all depleted our energy trying to bring down the magic that was holding you,” Love states as she lowers her head and kisses her forehead. She then helps her drink a little more water.

“Why don’t you . . .”—she takes a deep breath before continuing—“energize?”

I continue looking at all the wounds on Dad’s body.

“How do we do that?” Hope asks as she glances over her shoulder at Mom.

“Your powers use the source.” Her voice is becoming stronger.

“What do you mean?” I ask. Is there some kind of talisman that we need to have that helps us not deplete our energy?

“Hope . . . from the earth.” I can see the effort of talking is tiring her. “Dream, the sun.” She raises her hand to stroke Love’s cheek. “And, you, from . . . love around you.”

I frown at her explanation; how do I energize from the sun?

“But how, Mom?” Hope asks as she takes the skin from Love and starts to wet Dad’s lips.

“Pull to you,” she murmurs as she closes her eyes. I raise my brows at Hope as we look at each other.

“I think what she means is that we pull the energy to us like we have been doing with each other’s.”

“But I can’t touch the sun,” I mutter as I see Drez being helped out of the pit.

“As you manifest it, I’m guessing just bring it to you,” Love says with a frown.

“I’ll try,” Hope says. Closing her eyes, she places her hands flat on the ground. After a minute or two, I see small flowers start to spring around her hands, but besides that, I can’t tell if it’s working. I pick up the skin of water from the ground that Hope has placed there and start to clean the smaller wounds.

After a few minutes, Hope opens her eyes, and I notice they are a vivid green, a radiant smile across her face. “That is amazing. Why didn’t I know about this before?” Well, I guess it works. “You need to try it. I will start helping Dad, and you join me when you’re done.”

“Okay, let me try.” Standing, I walk to where a ray of sun is shining down on the ground, lighting that area. Standing right below it, I close my eyes and lift my head to the sun. Feeling its warm substance warm me, I feel the particles enter through every pore in my body, flowing through my veins and energizing me. I don’t know how long I stay like this, but it feels amazing, peaceful, and like I am bigger than life. Opening my eyes, I look around, seeing everything with a radiance I haven’t seen before. Wow, it is amazing.

Turning, I see that Drez is standing just a few feet away, keeping an eye on me. Smiling at him, I nod. “It works.” He smiles and then nods.

“Come, let’s go help the king.” He holds out his hand, which surprises me, but I take the offered hand, making our way towards the others. Kneeling next to Dad, I place my hands on him and send light shining through his body, clearing away any infection that might have started to set in. When I feel that I have done what I can, I sit back.

“Love, shall we swap?” It’s her turn to come and give my dad comfort while I do what I can for Mom. Just as I’m about to stand, Dad opens his eyes.

“Dream,” he whispers.

“Dad, you’re going to be okay,” I murmur as I smile at him.


Why is he asking for Drez?

“I am here, my king,” Drez replies, kneeling so that he can see him.

“There is a traitor. Trust no one here.” He closes his eyes, his breathing laboured, but then he opens them again, looking directly at Drez. “Tell her.” And with that, he falls into unconsciousness again.