Page 9 of Blue Horizons

“Nothing. Listen, I’m out.” I grab his shoulder and squeeze.

Clay looks down at his watch and just shakes his head at me. “Something is better than nothing I guess. Thanks for coming out . . . it’s been a while.” He wraps his arm around mine and squeezes my shoulder in return.

“You good to get back?” I ask.

“Always.” His eyes flicker over to the little brown-haired girl.

“All right, I’ll see you later.” I nod at the girls, and head for the back door. We’ve always used the back door—I guess old habits die hard—but really this exit seems safer for me to avoid being noticed.

Pushing open the door, it smacks right into the girl with the curly blonde hair and I watch as she stumbles backward. Her eyes grow wide as we both realize she’s going to fall. In what feels like slow motion, I reach out and grab her arm, pulling her toward me. The girl and her smell crash into me, and at that moment, all I can think about are strawberries and snow. My other arm wraps around her waist as her head slides perfectly under my chin. Heat from her impact scorches my skin under my clothes, and before I even realize what’s happening, her knee rams full force into my groin.


Shooting. Nauseating. Excruciating.

My knees take aim and become one with the dirt as I drop straight down and double over. The door slams shut behind me and I moan out in agony.

“Oh my God, I am so sorry. I really didn’t mean to do that. You startled me and my instincts just kind of took over. Are you okay?” The pretty blonde hovers over me, runs her hands all over my back, and tries to pull me up. Unbearable sensations are radiating through my stomach, back, and junk. I feel like an electric shock has gone straight through the middle of my chest and I can’t breathe.

What the hell?

Anger bleeds and blends in with the pain. Am I okay? Is she kidding? Pissed is a good word for how I’m feeling.

“Instincts? Are you kidding me? What did you think was going to happen, I was going to kidnap you or something? I was trying to keep you from falling and hurting yourself.” I suck air in through my nose, my eyes and mouth watering. “Shit . . .” I groan in pain. Glancing up at her, I pause. Her hair is hanging all around her face and her eyes are filled with fear and remorse. Such a strange combination of emotions to have at the same time, and that’s when I feel that her hands on my arm are shaking. Instantly, I feel bad.

“Whatever, don’t worry about it, okay? I’ll be fine in a minute.” I pull my eyes from her and squeeze them tight.

“I’m so sorry. Can you stand up?” The pressure from her fingertips strengthens and my mind gets stuck on the fact that she’s touching me.

“Just give me a minute.” Waves of nausea are rolling through me and I moan again. Still breathing in through my nose, I try to focus on her smell and on her fingers.

“What are you doing out here?” she asks. I can’t answer her. Why does she insist on talking to me now, at this moment? I would have loved to have talked to her inside. I really just need this pain in my stomach to go away. Throwing up in front of her is not high on my to-do list.

“Me? I was going home! What are you doing out here?” I look around to see if there are any other people out here with her. Nope, no one.

“I had to take a call.” I glance down and see her cell phone lying at her feet. She bends over to pick it up and grips it like it’s her lifeline.

“At one in the morning?” I ask her.

“Yes.” Her tone is sharp. Whatever, it isn’t any of my business anyway. Maybe she was talking to her boyfriend.

Putting one hand on the ground, I look back up to her and she takes a step back. My heart rate speeds up. I feel like I know this girl, but I don’t know why. I’ve never seen her before; I would have remembered someone as beautiful as her.

The music from inside picks up its tempo and the cold sweat that had broken out across my back chills in the night air. My hand rubs across my stomach to try and ease the pain as I suck in a few more breaths.

She starts pacing back and forth in front of me, and my eyes lock on to brown cowgirl boots and bare legs. Her legs are lean but look muscular and strong. In another time and another place, what I wouldn’t give to run my hands up them.

She stops in front of me. “Where are you staying? I can drive you if you need me to. I mean, I came with my friends, but I can drive your car and they can follow me.” She’s rambling and sounds unsure of herself, her nerves are coming through, but it’s still nice that she offers.

“Oh, off of Lake Horizons Road, but no, thanks, I’ll really be fine in a minute.” Maybe I should take her up on her offer. It would give me more time with her.

“Are you here by yourself?” she asks.

Peeking back up at her, she’s turned toward the parking lot, scanning it for something.

“No, I’m here with my friend, Clay.” Breathing in another breath, I let go of my stomach, brace my hand against the door, and attempt to stand up straight. “He’s staying a little while longer.”

She lets out a little laugh, and it’s as if the first chord of the guitar has strummed all over again. It zaps my heart.