Page 6 of Blue Horizons

Shock ricochets through me and stalls everything around us. My heart hits my stomach, bottoming out, and the world shifts. I'm face to face with the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen in my entire life. I’m rendered speechless as our eyes lock, and I begin to drown in blue stormy eyes surrounded by long eyelashes, flawless ivory skin that’s flushed pink in the cheeks, and perfectly glossed lips. I’ve stopped breathing and for the life of me can’t remember how to start again. Her eyebrows pop up as her gaze scans over my face and she proceeds to give me a look that asks, “Are you stupid or something?” All I can do is shake my head no, and hope she understands.

Pull it together, Ash; she’s waiting for you to say something.

Say something.

Say something!

“Ah, I’m sitting right here, so I can’t help but overhear you, and I’m not going to apologize, because what you said was funny.”

Something crosses in her eyes, but then it quickly goes away and a look of disregard replaces it. It wasn’t there long enough for me to name the emotion, and for a split second I panicked that she recognized me, but nope. And I’m glad. Dealing with fangirls is not something I can handle tonight, no matter how incredibly beautiful she is. With a look of annoyed indifference, she turns back around to her friends, and her hair takes its place back on my arm.

The three of them immediately go back to ignoring me. Rich brings their drinks over and the little brunette throws down her credit card.

I can’t move. I also can’t decide if what just happened is tragic or exhilarating. I’m so acutely aware of everything about this girl, from how she’s shifted her weight, how stiff her back is, to the way she tilts her head. Even though she’s trying to play off indifference, her posture tells me she’s affected too.

“I don’t care if he thinks he’s charming and witty . . . just look at him. Besides, I could put those lips to better use than having to listen to him, if you know what I mean.” The voice is coming from the brunette.

The three of them laugh and turn to walk off. The blonde takes one quick glance back at me and our eyes lock again—her blue eyes to mine, blue to blue. Her face is completely devoid of any emotion, but her eyes are so penetrating that my heart skips a beat and I feel frozen.

Who is this girl? And can’t she see what she’s doing to me?

She spins around, they blend into the crowd, and they’re gone.

What the hell just happened?

I’ve never given much creed to the idea of instalove or soulmates, but damn if I didn’t just feel something instinctual about her in the deepest part of me. It’s crazy. My heart is thundering through my ears, not because it’s interested in her, but because it feels like it knows her.

Turning back to my beer, I take a deep breath as a warm flush spreads up my neck and into my face. Rich is staring at me with a knowing grin on his face.

“What?” I ask him, annoyed, wiping my hands across the top of my thighs. They’re sweating and I didn’t even realize it. His grin turns into a smirk.

“Well, can’t say I’ve ever seen one get to you like that before.” He knows I was never one of those guys that was looking for female company. I enjoyed my friends and I enjoyed the music.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I turn and look back over the crowd of people, pulling my hat down lower. That’s the benefit of the wide, flat brim on a cowboy hat—it hides and shades what’s underneath.

“Whatever,” Rich mumbles.

I spot Clay’s hat as he pushes through the crowd. He’s smiling from ear to ear and looks like a freaking kid in a candy shop. His eyes swing past me and spot Rich, lighting up immediately.

“Hey, Rich, nice to see you, man.” Clay leans across the bar and wraps him in a bear hug. Clay has always been more hands on than I have and people are drawn to him.

“You too, kid, although you look less like a kid now and more like an old man.”

“Old man? That’s funny coming from you. What’s it been, like five years?”

“Something like that.” Rich pats him on the shoulder and steps back.

“It’s really good to see you.” Other patrons have begun tapping on the bar and yelling his name, trying to get Rich’s attention.

“You too! Duty calls.” He glances back down the bar.

Clay turns to face me and his smile is back in full force. “Bro! The girls here tonight are smokin’ hot! I talked to this one little brown-haired girl—she’s small, reminds me of a pixie, but I bet she’d be a fire pistol in the sack though. Speaking of which, am I allowed to be escorted home?” He looks at me with hopeful eyes.

“No. Sorry, man, I don’t need everyone knowing about the new house yet, just let it go. Head to her house and you do the walk of shame.” Clay talks a big game, but hooking up with girls is a rarity for him. He’s enjoys their company when we’re out, but he’s always been more of the “wine and dine” them type of guy versus one-night stands.

“If I get to be so lucky in doing her, trust me, there will be no shame.” He grins, takes a big swallow of his beer, and then wanders off back toward the dance floor.

Four guys walk out onto the stage and begin to mess around with their instruments. The singer approaches the mic, the front stage lights kick on, and my heart jumpstarts with a forgotten familiarity. Adrenaline instantly courses through me, and my body falls in sync with the movements happening onstage. I’ve missed this feeling and I realize I’ve missed the music.