“Angels?” TD’s mouth curled in a familiar sardonic half smile. “They used to guard the gates of hell, Gany.”

Gany sniffed. “That wasbefore, and they didn’t have a lot of choice, did they?”

“True enough.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “But they’re working dogs, Gany. They’re used to having a purpose. I don’t think they’ll be happy being ordinary earthside dogs once they’re fully grown, and I’m a little worried how Lonnie and I will manage.”

“You’ll figure it out.”

“I hope so.” He peered down at Gany, his eyebrows bunched in obvious concern. “You sure you’re up for this gig? Location filming is scheduled to go on for at least four months. If it’s a problem, I can pull out—”

“No! You and Lonnie should be together. I can handle the boys. Gimme those keys.”

“If you’re sure?” At Gany’s emphatic nod, TD passed him the key ring. “You’ve got both our numbers, and if you can’t reach us immediately, you can contact the agency. Echo can get a message to us through the production company.”

Gany shook his head. “I still can’t believe Echo started her own talent agency.”

TD chuckled. “She’s amazing.” He winked. “Of course, it didn’t hurt that her first client was as high-end as Lonnie Coleridge, and that she landed him the lead in a hit series and its movie spinoffs right out of the gate. She’s got a waitlist as long as—”

“Your dick?” Gany said, fluttering his eyelashes.

TD cocked one eyebrow. “I was going to say Prometheus’s arm, thank you.”

Heat rushed up Gany’s throat, and he ducked his head, biting his lip. “I’m sorry. I should know better than anybody not to make inappropriate sexual comments.”

TD’s expression softened. “Since I doubt Zeus restricted his inappropriate sexual behavior tocomments, I’ll never call you out on a little frisky language, Gany.”

The heat on Gany’s cheeks somehow migrated to fill his chest with warmth.Friends. They were the best.

“Thanks, hon. I appreciate that more than you know.” He donned a saucy smirk and winked. “Besides, it’s a lot more fun to tease you when Lonnie’s around to look all protective and possessive.”

TD grinned. “Amen to that.” He opened his arms and Gany stepped in for another hug. “Thanks again for doing this. And if you want anyone to stay with you, if it would make you feel better or safer, there’s plenty of room.”

Gany peered up at him. “Safer? Is there something you know that I don’t?”

“I don’t trust the gods,” TD growled. “Especially that asshole Zeus.”

“Don’t worry.” He patted TD’s chest. “He can’t come near me without violating the terms of his parole, and thenhe’dbe the one staked out on a rock getting his liver snacked on every day. I’m fine.”

“Still. The offer stands. Treat the house as your home while we’re gone. Okay?”

“Okay.” He made a shooing motion. “Now go, before you miss your plane. Give Lonnie a kiss from me.”

“Will do.” TD lifted a hand in farewell and headed for the back door. “Whoa!”

He dodged to the side as the door swung open with a clang and Peyton barreled inside.

“Oh, sorry, TD!” they panted. “You okay?”

“Fine, Peyton.” He waved at Gany again. “See you in a few months, Gany.” He glanced at Peyton. “I mean,Gary.”

“It’s all right, TD,” Gany said. “Melina and Peyton know my other name. Have a good trip. I expect many,manyspoiler reels from you during filming.”

“You got it.” He left, closing the door carefully with a snick of its metal panic bar.

Gany faced Peyton, both eyebrows lifted. “A gracious good morning to you. A little early, aren’t you?”

Peyton gulped down air. “I had to— You need to— There’s a—”

“Slow down, slow down.” Gany took Peyton by the elbow and led them to a tall stool next to the stand mixer. “Catch your breath, okay?” He peered at Peyton’s shirt. “And not to be a persnickety boss, but you should probably change your shirt before your shift. You’re covered in cat hair.”