Page 43 of Liam

“I’m sure it is.”

Once the fireworks started, she gasped at the beauty of them lighting up the night sky. She smiled as she listened to everyone oohing and awing over them.

“They’re so pretty,” she murmured.


She looked at him to see him staring at her.


“I’d rather look at you.”

Siobhan blinked her eyes. No one ever said things like this to her.

Liam sat up and placed his hand on her cheek.

“Are you okay?”

“No.” She shook her head. “I’m not used to someone saying things like that.”

“What kind of men were you involved with? You’re a beautiful woman, Siobhan, and I will tell you that any time I can—” His breath whooshed out when she threw her arms around his neck and pushed him onto his back. Then she lay on him and kissed his lips.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

“You’re missing the fireworks,” he whispered back.

“I’d rather kiss you.”

“I’d rather you did that too.” He grinned, and she pressed her lips to his again.

She would rather kiss this man than do anything else, and she couldn’t wait to go home with him and spend tomorrow with him.

After the fireworks ended, mostly everyone returned to the bar, and Siobhan got busy again. She didn’t care. She was on cloud nine.


Liam couldn’t keep his eyes off her. When she laughed at something a cowboy said to her, he had to smile. His smile slipped when he wondered if this would work for them. He knew sometimes he’d be too tired to call or see her, and he hated the confrontations bound to come.

As he watched her, though, he also knew he wanted to take that chance with her. He hoped she did, too, because once she experienced it, he hoped she’d stay. He grinned when she smiled at him.

When the band played,My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys, a Willie Nelson song, the crowd cheered.

At closing, he stood and waved Laura over to him so he could pay his tab.

“Hey, Liam,” Laura said as she took his money.

“Keep the change, Laura.” He glanced around. “Where’s Siobhan?”

Laura looked around. “She might be cleaning up in the storage room or kitchen.”

“Okay. Could you tell her I’ll be outside?”

“I will.” She smiled. “I hope you two have a great night.”

Liam grinned. “I plan on it. Goodnight, Laura. Tell Dom I said hi.”

Laura nodded and moved along the bar, picking up glasses and bottles.