Page 29 of Liam

“Do what you want.” She shrugged.

“Damn, Siobhan. I said I was sorry.”

She sighed. “Yes, you did, and I accept your apology. Maybe I’ll see you tonight.”

He leaned close. “I sure hope so, darlin’.”

He winked when she looked at him, and she rolled her eyes, making him grin. Yeah, he’d love to get to know her, but he didn’t need the pain of getting involved with someone. She was beautiful, with her dark red hair and green eyes. Her porcelain skin was flawless except for a few freckles across the bridge of her nose.

Connie set his breakfast on the counter, filled his coffee cup, and made her way to the other customers. Liam picked up his fork and dug into the fluffy omelet. He moaned when the flavors hit his tongue.


“Fantastic. It’s been a while since I’ve had one of these. Connie has the best omelets.”

“First one for me, but it won’t be the last.” She looked at him. “Unlike that kiss.”

Liam blew out a laugh and then dug into his food again. She had a great sense of humor, and he loved a woman who could make him laugh.

Siobhan waved Connie over. “Could I get the check?”

“Sure.” Connie went to the kitchen, returned, and placed the check on the counter.

Siobhan reached for it, but Liam took it.

“I’ll get it.”

She snatched it from him.

“No, thank you.” She stood, removed the money from her pocket, and walked to the register. She paid Connie, and without looking back, walked out of the diner.

“What did you do?” Connie asked him with her hands on her hips.

“She’s pissed at me.”

“I can see that. What did you do?” she repeated.

Liam shook his head. “It would take too long to tell you.”

“Well, you need to make it better. She’s a lovely person.”

“Don’t be a matchmaker, Connie.”

Connie laughed. “Too late.”

“Could I get my check too?”


After paying his bill, he walked out of the diner and glanced up and down the sidewalk. The town was packed with tourists and people working on the festival booths. A few women passed him and smiled. He touched the brim of his hat and grinned when they giggled. He saw Siobhan crossing the street but didn’t go after her. He’d go to Dewey’s tonight and try to get her to stop being angry with him. Women were a pain in the ass, but he loved them. He wasn’t sure what he would get into if he took her out.

“Only one way to find out, Flynn.”

He crossed the street and walked to the bakery. He could use something sweet. He entered the shop, strode to the ticket dispenser, removed one, and sat at a table.

It was busy, but he didn’t see his sister. Then he grinned when Courtney came from the kitchen and checked who was next. He knew he wasn’t, so he didn’t move. The door opened, and he glanced over to see a woman enter.

She smiled shyly at him and then removed the ticket from the dispenser. She was pretty, but he didn’t know her. She stood beside the glass cases. Her hair was dark and flowed over her shoulders.