Page 21 of Liam

“Oh, yeah? Who?”

“Her name is Siobhan O’Brien. She’s a new bartender.”

“Well then, you need to see her.”

“I know. I’ll go tonight if I’m not too tired when I get home.”

“Hell, you won’t leave the house once you get home. You’re going to collapse like your father did if you don’t slow the fuck down.”

“I get it.”

“Do you? Liam, you cannot do it all. We’re here for that.”

Liam nodded, but he knew he’d never slow down. This ranch was his responsibility, and he’d work it until he no longer could. No one loved this ranch more than he did. No one.

At eight o’clock, Liam stood at the chute, watching the calves get branded. Each time one bawled, its mother would.

“This is the last one,” Jerry said as the calf ran into the chute.

“Good. That will do it for tonight. Everyone can go home once this little girl is done,” Liam said.

“Why don’t you go, Liam? If you want to see that woman tonight, you need to get a move on.”

Liam shook his head. “I’m not sure I can drive into town.”

“I knew it.” Jerry shook his head.

Liam looked at him. “All right, I’ll go. Damn.”

Jerry chuckled. “You’ll feel better once you get there and see her.”

“See who?” a ranch hand asked.

“The new bartender at Dewey’s,” Jerry said.

“Oh, man. I’ve seen her. She’s beautiful. Are you dating her, boss?”

“No, because he’s too tired to drive there and ask her out.” Jerry folded his arms.

“I said I’d go. Damn, Jerry. You’re worse than my parents.”

Jerry slapped him on the shoulder. “We all want to see you settle down. To keep this ranch going.”

“I don’t need a woman for that.”

“The hell you don’t. You need a woman to stand beside you. Run this ranch with you. Have kids to pass it down to. God knows Monica wouldn’t.”

Liam sighed. “I’m going home to shower. Then I’ll go to Dewey’s. Happy now?”

“I’ll let you know about that. I have to actually see you leave and head to town.”

“Fuck you,” Liam snapped, making Jerry laugh.

“Truth hurt?”

Liam shook his head and headed for his truck. When he heard Jerry laughing again, he threw his middle finger at him and grinned when Jerry laughed harder.
