Page 78 of Liam

“William Joseph Flynn, you will not lie to your mother.”

Liam tilted his head down and then raised it to look at her.

“I’m sorry, Mom. I’m not ready to talk about it yet.”

“It’s Siobhan, isn’t it?”

“Yes, ma’am. We’re not seeing each other anymore.”

“Now, that is a real shame. You were happy.”

“I have to get to work, Mom.” He opened the door, walked onto the porch, and pulled his gloves on as he walked across the yard to the barn.

He knew his parents were worried about him, especially his mother. They were close, and she wanted him to be happy. He wasn’t. He missed Siobhan so much, but it wasn’t worth seeing her if she wouldn’t be with him.

Entering the barn, he strode down the aisle to the indoor corral, where he watched Jerry trying to get a horse into the trailer.

“He’s not having any of it. Maybe we should have Trick pick him up.” Jerry held onto the rope as the horse reared up.

“Call him. I have to call MDOL.”

“We have fence down?”

“Yes, I was in my office when the transmitter went off.”

“All right. I’ll get with Trick.”

Liam nodded, pulled his cellphone from his pocket, and called Reece.

“Liam? What’s up?”

“Reece, the fence is down where you checked it the last time.”

“Shit. I’m on my way. I’ll pick you up at the barn.”

“I’ll be ready.”

He stuck the phone in his pocket and placed his arms on the top rail to watch as Jerry tried to calm the horse. With a sigh, Liam climbed over the railing, sauntered to the horse, and took the rope from Jerry.

“Let me see if I can settle him.”

“Good luck with that. This horse wants none of us around him.” Jerry used his phone to call Trick.

Liam murmured to the horse, but it reared up. He tugged the rope, and the horse settled on all fours but kept yanking its head away.

“Come on, boy. We won’t hurt you.” He touched the horse’s nose, but it snapped at him, making Liam jerk back.

“Did he get you?”

“No, but it wouldn’t be the first time a horse bit me.”

“Hell, I know that’s right. Trick is on his way.”

“I hope he can do something with him.”

“There aren’t many horses that man can’t train.”

Liam nodded as he handed the rope to Jerry.