Page 77 of Liam

“We have a section of fence down again. I’m going to call MDOL. Do you want to talk to them?”

“Liam, that’s your job, son. Just let me know if we have a problem with rustlers.”

“Yes, sir.” Liam turned to leave.


“Yes, sir?” He looked at his father.

“Are you doing all right? You seem…” His father waved his hand. “Quiet.”

“Are you saying I’m not quiet?” Liam grinned.

“You know damn well what I mean.”

Liam huffed. “I’m fine, Dad.”

“I don’t believe that for a damn minute. Your mother mentioned it too. Is something going on with you and Siobhan?”

He clenched his teeth. “There is no me and Siobhan. We broke up last month.”

“Why? You seemed happy.”

“The ranch, Dad. The same as it always is.”

“There’s a woman who will stand with you, son. They’re difficult to find, but hold on to her when you do. Are you sure it isn’t Siobhan? You seemed happy with her.”

Liam sighed and sat in a wingback chair.

“I was, but we argued about me working so much. I don’t know how you and Mom did it.”

Joseph Flynn smiled. “Your mother is the one who stood with me, and she has never regretted it. Has it been easy? Hell, no. We had our fair share of arguments, but worked hard to stay together. Marriage isn’t easy. It’s a give-and-take relationship. You can’t do all the taking, and she can’t do all the giving. You have to make it work too, Liam.”

“Did you take time off?”

“Not for the first ten years.” His father chuckled. “And we argued all the time in those ten years. I knew I had to decide what meant more to me. Your mother beside me, or me doing it alone. You can see how that turned out. You’re going to kill yourself by working so hard, son. Do I need to make you take another vacation?”

“No, sir. I have cut back.”

“I know you have, Liam, but it isn’t enough to make you see Siobhan. Women are strong, and so is their love for their families, but they don’t always like being alone. No one does. A little alone time is good for anyone, but not to where you get lonely. There’s a big difference between being alone and being lonely, son.”

Liam stood. “I know, Dad. I’d better get back and call MDOL.”

“All right, son. Let me know if they find anything.”

“Yes, sir.” Liam closed the door behind him and strode to the kitchen.

“Are you calling MDOL?”

“Yes, ma’am. As soon as I get to my office.”


“Yes, ma’am?”

“What’s going on?”

“Nothing, Mom. I’ll talk to you later.”