Page 62 of Liam

“Black Angus. Except for The Triple C. It raises three different breeds of beef. Black Angus, Charolais, and Herefords.”

“I’ve never heard of Charolais.”

“The Charolais breed became used in the U.S. because producers want bigger, heavier cattle. They’re usually white or cream-colored, with a short coat in summer and a thicker, longer coat in winter.They’re very hearty.”

“How in the world do they keep them separated? You don’t want them to breed with the other cows, right?”

Liam laughed. “Siobhan, they have over a hundred thousand acres. They keep them apart.”

“It must take a lot of work.”

“All ranches take a lot of work, as do farms.”

“After seeing this, I believe it. When we get back, does everyone get a day off?”

“No. We all return to our regular work the day after we return.”

“Can I stay with you when we get back?”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he said as he ran his hand over her ponytail. She smiled at him, and he wanted to drag her to the tent.

“I’m going to ask Scarlett for more hours. I love working there, and a day or two more would get me more money. Not that I need it. I don’t pay rent but still have to buy things.”

“Yes, ma’am. If Scarlett needs you, she’ll let you work more hours. That place is always jumping.”

“It can get hectic, but it’s so much fun. I’ve met a lot of nice people there.”


“Of course.”

He grinned, then noticed one man getting a guitar out and strumming it.

“This must be how the cowboys did it in the old west.”

“It’s stayed the same for decades. It’s a way of life. Some ranches use ATVs around a ranch. We do, but mostly it’s on horseback, and the cattle drive is always by horse.”

“My butt is going to be so sore. I’m hoping you’ll help me with that.”

Liam groaned. “I’d love to. I’ll do that for you later.”

She smiled at him, and he smiled back, kissed her nose, and wrapped his arms around her as they listened to the music.

Once they got back, the genuine test would begin for them. He hoped it worked.

Chapter Seven

As she followed behind the cattle, she couldn’t keep her eyes off Liam. He was such a cowboy, and he loved it. She could see it when he rode. This was his life; if she wanted him, she had to accept the life he’d chosen.

She knew she would never ask him to give this up. It would kill him to not be able to do this. The week he was on vacation, he was so stressed for the first few days, but he seemed to enjoy himself later.

She smiled as she watched him running his horse beside the cattle. He had a coiled rope in his hand that he’d slap against his thigh. The dust billowed around them, and she could hear the men whistling, the dogs barking, and the cattle bawling, and it was like watching a Western movie.

With his bandana pulled up, he looked like an outlaw, and she’d seen nothing so sexy. She shifted around in the saddle. That man was having sex tonight, no matter how tired he was. She grinned, since she was sure it wouldn’t take much convincing.

When they reached the pasture where they were leaving the cattle, everyone dismounted, cooled the horses, and set their tents up.

She saw Liam talking with another man, then he headed for her and sat beside her on the log.