Page 48 of Liam

She laughed. He looked more rested, and the time off seemed to agree with him. At least it seemed like he was relaxing.

“You need to do this more often, Liam.”

“What? Fish?”

“Anything to help you relax. You work too hard.”

He sat up. “I’ve told you, I have to. This ranch doesn’t work itself.”

“I’m not saying that. I’m saying you do need time off. Don’t you feel more rested?”

“A little. I’ve only been off a few days.”

“So think how much more rested you’ll feel when your vacation ends.”

“True. I’ll be good and rested for the cattle drive.”

“Tell me about it.”

“We move about two hundred head to the west pasture. It’s a four-day job. Two up and two back. We camp halfway up, then set up again when we reach the pasture.”

“Why is it done?”

“The cattle get moved to lusher pastures all the time. It keepsthe pasture quality by distributing the animal impact more evenly.” Liam shrugged.

“Yeah, okay. I don’t get any of that, but I’ll take your word for it. How many of you go?”

“Ten ranch hands, some of their wives, girlfriends, significant others, and the cook. It’s the only time we allow others along because the men will be away from home.”

“I bet it’s fun.”

“It’s work, but it’s invigorating.”

“If a cook goes, is there a chuckwagon?”

“Of course. We have to eat.”

“Yes, of course. I wasn’t thinking.”

“It’s all right, darlin’. You’re not familiar with it.” He stared at her. “You could go if you want.”

“Really? Oh, wait. What days?”

“We leave on Sunday and return on Wednesday.”

“I’d love to go if you’re sure it’s okay.”

“I asked, didn’t I?”

“Then, yes. I’d love it.”

Liam nodded, then grabbed the fishing pole and jerked it. Siobhan watched the pole bend as the fish took the bait. She watched Liam get to his feet and reel in the line. The line dipped into the water again, bending the rod. She thought for sure the line would snap.

“Did you catch a big one?” She scrambled to her knees to watch as he reeled in the fish.

“Feels like it, but sometimes they fight so much, you can’t tell how big it is until you get it out.” He continued to reel in the fish, moved closer to the bank, took the line in his hand, and lifted the pole. A huge fish hung off the hook.

“Now what?”