Page 47 of Liam

“I don’t fish,” she said and shuddered.

“Okay, well, you can watch me then. It’s a great way to relax.”

“I’m sorry. Did you say…relax? I thought you didn’t know what that meant.”


When they reached the pond, she gasped at the beauty of the area. The water looked like glass with the sun shining on it. She saw Liam swing his leg over the horse’s head, jump down, and unsaddle the horse. She did the same, walked to the bank, and sat on the grass.

Liam walked toward her with a fishing pole and tackle box. There was no way she’d fish. He sat beside her, opened the tackle box, and took a worm from a container. She looked away.

“It’s just a worm, Irish.”

“Poor little guy. He has no clue he’s about to be devoured.”

Liam laughed. “Everything has a purpose in life. This worm’s purpose is to catch me a big fish.”

She sighed and laid back. “Okay. You do your thing. I’ll be right here.”

He didn’t answer her, but she heard the line being cast and hitting the water.

When she heard nothing, she sat up and saw him on his back in the grass with his hat over his face. The pole lay beside him on the bank.

“I thought you were fishing.”

He removed his hat and looked at her. “I am.”

“That’s it? You just cast out then do nothing?”

“I’m not doing…nothing. I’m fishing. You have to be patient.”

“How do you know when you get a fish?”

“I have my hand on the line. I’ll feel a tug.”

“Oh, so this is why it’s relaxing? You don’t really do anything.”

“The worm is doing all the work.”

Siobhan laughed and saw his lips rise into a grin. Damn, she wanted to attack him. Would he have sex in the field with her? She snorted. He’s a man. He’d have sex anywhere.

“What was that for?” he asked.

“I was wondering if you’d have sex in the field.”

He laughed. “Irish, I’d have sex with you anywhere, anytime.”

“See? I knew that.”

“Oh, really?”

She shrugged. “Yep. Since you’re a man, I didn’t think you’d turn sex down.”

He chuckled. “True.”

“A study I read stated that most men under age sixty think about sex at least once a day, compared with only a quarter of women. And that's not all. Men fantasize about sex nearly twice as often as women do, and their fantasies are much more varied. They also think more about casual sex than women do.”

“And that surprises you?” He chuckled.