Page 39 of Liam

“I could use a shower,” he murmured.

“We’ll save water.” She laughed when he chuckled.


That afternoon, Liam held Siobhan’s hand as they walked through the rows of tables and booths. She stopped at them all but spent more time at the booths selling jewelry. She picked up a pair of emerald earrings.

“Those are pretty,” he said.

“Yes. Emerald is a favorite of mine. I’d like to get these, please,” she said to the woman selling them. Siobhan paid for them and then stuck them in her purse as they moved through the crowd.


He stopped when he heard his name and mentally groaned when he saw JoJo making her way to him.

“Hey, JoJo. Brett.”

“Hi again,” JoJo said to Siobhan.

“Again?” Liam raised an eyebrow.

“We met at the bakery,” Siobhan said.

“I didn’t expect to see you here, Liam,” JoJo said.

“I’m on vacation until Friday.”

“Vacation? You?”

“Yes, damn it. Dad made me take one.”

“Good. You work too damn hard.” JoJo glared at him.

“Look, sis, I hear it enough at home. I don’t need to hear it from you too.”

“Well, you’re gonna.”

“No, I’m not. If you’re going to jump all over me, then we’ll go in the other direction.”

Brett chuckled. “Good luck with that, Liam. You know damn well she’d follow you.”

“Hell, Brett. I know that’s right.”

“Stop talking about me like I’m not here.”

Liam looked at his sister. “Whyareyou still here?”

JoJo gasped, grabbed Brett’s hand, and pulled him through the crowd. Liam laughed.

“You made your sister angry,” Siobhan said.

“Irish, I live for that.” Liam winked and led her to more booths in the opposite direction. Siobhan laughed as he pulled her along behind him.

When they arrived back at her apartment, he followed her inside and watched her set her packages on the counter, then she looked at him and smiled.

“I have to go, Siobhan.”

“What? Aren’t you coming to Dewey’s tonight for the fireworks?”