Page 19 of Liam

“Of course. Just one?”

“Yes, please.”

The bell chimed above the door, and a petite woman with dark hair entered. She had Liam’s dark hair but didn’t resemble him.

“I’m sorry, Courtney. Western Wear was so busy.” The woman smiled at Siobhan as she went behind the glass cases.

“Hello, welcome to Sweet Nothings. I’m Sloane James. I own the bakery. I don’t believe I’ve seen you here before.”

“This is my first time here, and I can tell already that I’ll be back. I moved here recently. My grandmother owns O’Brien’s Candles and Crafts store.”

“Fiona is your grandmother. She is such a sweet woman.”

“Yes, she is. I’m Siobhan O’Brien.” She put her hand out to Sloane.

“Siobhan? My husband’s niece is named Siobhan. I think it’s a beautiful name.”

“Thank you. How many people work here?”Really?Don’t be so obvious.She had to stop herself from rolling her eyes.

“Four right now, including me. I am looking to hire someone, though. Are you interested?”

“Oh, no. I was just curious. I work at Dewey’s as a bartender.”

“I haven’t been to Dewey’s in ages. Scarlett and Noah are so nice.”

“I love working for her.” Siobhan glanced around. “It’s a great place you have here.”

“Thanks.” Sloane smiled.

“Sloane? We’re low on croissants,” a woman said as she came from the kitchen.

“Thank you, JoJo. I’ll get to work on those. Siobhan, it was nice meeting you. I hope you come in again.”

Siobhan nodded and looked at the woman Sloane had called JoJo but saw a blonde. Liam had dark hair, so wouldn’t his sister?Seriously, Siobhan. How many women named JoJo work in this bakery?

“I’m sure I will. I have to go shopping for a bed. I’m moving into the apartment above the diner.”

“Really? I lived there before I married Holt.”

“It’s a great place.”

“It is. Just be careful of those steps in the winter. I’d better get to work. Have a great day, Siobhan.”

“I will, Sloane. You too.” Siobhan looked at JoJo. “You too.”

“Thanks. I’m JoJo Flynn. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Flynn? Are you related to Liam?”Seriously?She did everything she could not to roll her eyes at the question.

“He’s my brother. How do you know him?”

“I work at Dewey’s, and he was in there a couple of weeks ago. We did shots together.”

“Liam was in Dewey’s? Wow! He rarely comes into town since he’s so busy.”

“I’ve seen him there maybe three times, but not lately.”

JoJo grinned. “They’re branding calves.”