Page 5 of Rhett

“Hey, guys,” Rhett said as he tried to pet them simultaneously. “Since you’re in the truck, we can head to Cin’s place right after I get your leashes.”

Rhett put the window back up, stepped out, ran into the house, took the leashes off the hooks, ran back out to the vehicle, and climbed in. Then he turned the truck around and headed for the kennels. Pulling his cellphone from the pocket in his T-shirt, he scrolled through the contacts until he found her name and pressedSend.

“Williams’ Kennels and Grooming,” a female voice answered.

“Could I speak to Cin, please?”

“May I ask who’s calling?”

“Rhett Morrison.”

“Oh, hi, Rhett. It’s Erin. I thought that was you since you asked forCin.”

“Hey, Erin. How’s Vance?”

“He’s great. Hold on, let me get Cinda.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Hello, Rhett,” Cin said when she answered.

“Hey, I’m on my way with the dogs.”

“Okay, we’ll be here.”

“All right, Cin. I’ll see you in a little while.”

“Yep.” She disconnected.

Rhett hitEnd, pocketed the phone, and drove to the kennels.

A few minutes later, he pulled onto the road that led to the house and kennels. He was always in awe of the place. It was gorgeous, with yellow siding, red double entrance doors, and red shutters—a porch wrapped around the entire house.

He drove to the right and pulled up to the office of the kennels. Cin’s business did great.

Stopping the truck, he let it run to keep the heat on. He opened the door, stepped out, and left the dogs in the vehicle so he could go inside and let someone know he was here.

Rhett pulled on the door, entered the waiting room, and sighed at the warmer air. Even having the heat on in the truck, it was still cold, and walking from his vehicle to the kennels had him shivering. He smiled when he saw the aluminum Christmas tree in the corner. It had a color wheel setting on the floor in front of it, changing it colors. Christmas was next month.

He stepped up to the counter and waited. He knew from experience that a bell chimed in the back to let everyone know someone was out front.

A few minutes later, a blonde entered and smiled at him.

“Hi, can I help you?” she asked him with a hopeful smile.

He grinned. “Yes, ma’am. I’m Rhett Morrison, bringing my dogs in to be boarded for a week.”

“Oh, okay.”

He watched as she walked to the computer and looked at it. He noticed she kept stealing glances at him. He wasn’t vain, but he never had a problem getting dates.

“I, uh, don’t see your name,” she said as she looked at him.

Rhett straightened up. “Really? I spoke to Cin two weeks ago.”


“That’s what I call her,” he said with a grin.