Page 16 of Rhett

When he chuckled, she couldn’t help but laugh. They didn’t speak again, and she was okay with that. It felt way too good to be in his arms. When the song ended, she turned, walked away from him, and headed back to the table.


Rhett led Nacho from the stall and saw Calder enter the barn.

“Hey, Calder.”

“Rhett, are you going out?” Calder asked him.

“I thought I’d take a ride.”

“It’s frigid, but you like riding in the cold. I’m taking Mitzie to lunch, but call me if you need me.”

“Will do.” Rhett smiled, headed for the tack room, saddled his horse, Nacho, then shot out of the yard like a rocket. The snowstorm didn’t amount to anything other than more frigid temperatures.

He pointed the horse toward the east pasture. Running at full speed, the horse loved it. Rhett did too. He’d been riding since he’d been in diapers. He loved horses.

Rhett rode through the pasture, sucking the cold air into his lungs. He reined Nacho to a stop, pulled the scarf around his nose, then kneed the horse to a run.

Across the road was the property of Preston Mitchell, and a few miles east was Cin’s place. He hadn’t seen her since the party and had thought a lot about her. He stopped at the top of the ridge. Grinning, he thought it was time to make a stop there. He nudged Nacho and started down the hill. Taking it slowly, he maneuvered the horse down to the road, checked for traffic, and crossed it, then a small creek. Through the field beside the kennels, then into the yard.

He glanced around and saw no one, so he dismounted beside the porch. Since it was the weekend, he knew the place was closed.

Rhett wrapped the reins around the porch rail, walked up the steps to the door, and knocked.

When the door opened, he couldn’t catch his breath.

She was so beautiful.

“Hi, Rhett. Is something wrong?”

“No, ma’am. I was out riding and ended up here. Could I get a cup of coffee?”

“You’re out riding? In this cold?”

“My favorite time to ride. Coffee?”

“Oh, yes. Yes, of course. Come in and warm up.”

Rhett stepped into the foyer and looked around. The house was terrific. He grinned when a big black dog came forward.

“This is Tigger. He loves everyone.”

Rhett raised his eyebrow. “Tigger?” He squatted. “Hey, buddy. You’re one big dog.”

“He thinks he’s the size of a Pekinese.”

Rhett grinned, straightened up, and stared at Cin.

“This is a beautiful place.”

“Thanks. Let me take your hat and coat.”

He nodded, removed them, and handed them to her.

“Thank you.”

“Come with me to the kitchen.”