Page 14 of Rhett

“You have togeta woman to have trouble with them.”

“True. I just thought I’d swing by and see if you wanted to grab lunch?”

“I can’t today. How about tomorrow?”

“Sounds good. How’s the family?”

“Great. Everyone said to tell you and your parents hi.”

“Mom and Dad miss seeing them. They keep saying they’ll visit Wyoming to see them.”

“They should. I know Mom would love to see her brother.”

“No doubt. Hey, I’ll see you tomorrow at the diner around eleven thirty. You can tell me about your holiday.”

“Sounds good to me, Landry. See you tomorrow.”

Landry touched the brim of his hat, nodded, and left. It still surprised Rhett that his cousin was engaged to Kay O’Malley, the country singer. Well, she was not so much a singer anymore since she retired and returned to Montana. Kay was painfully shy, so getting on a stage was so hard. She couldn’t take it anymore. They had a beautiful home in Clifton. Landry was happy, and that was all that mattered.


Lucinda stood in her bedroom, staring at the clothes in the closet. She was going to a party at the Clifton town hall for a couple leaving Clifton.

Karen and Seth Adams lived in Clifton all their lives, but Seth had a job offer in Idaho he couldn’t refuse, so they were leaving. Karen worked at the Clifton Bed and Breakfast for years, which Becca Stone owned. Becca and Jake Stone showed her how much everyone would miss them by throwing the couple a party.

Lucinda was looking forward to getting out. She hoped the weather held off. The weather stations predicted snow this evening, which could amount to a good bit.

She’d stay if the weather didn’t get worse. She had an SUV but wouldn’t go out if ice was involved.

She pulled a pair of jeans out with a huff, then a green turtleneck sweater.

After a quick shower, she dressed, sat on the bed, and tugged on her cowboy boots. The flyer stated live music, so she planned to dance.

The towns of Clifton, Spring City, and Hartland would show up for a party. When she drove into the parking lot, she shook her head as she tried to find a parking place. It didn’t surprise her that the lot had vehicles everywhere.

Everyone had to know about the snow, but they would have a good time first.

She entered the town hall and pushed through the crowd. Glancing around, she tried to find a place to sit when she saw Tess Garrett waving at her. Lucinda smiled as she made her way to the table.

“Hi, Cinda. Please sit.” Tess smiled.

“Thanks. I wasn’t sure where I was going to sit.” Lucinda looked around. “I knew it would be like this.”

“Can’t keep these towns from a party.” Tess picked up a glass and sipped it. “Are you here alone?”

“Yes. I wasn’t going to come, but I’d feel bad if I didn’t. I’ve known Seth and Karen for years.”

“Let’s hope the weather cooperates. I heard we’re in for a storm.”

“That’s what I heard too. I’m going to get a drink. I’ll be right back.”

Lucinda stood and pushed through the crowd again to get to the bar. She ordered a Coke and then returned to the table with a deep sigh. She smiled when she saw Tess’s husband, Sam, sitting with her.

“Hi, Sam,” Lucinda said.

Sam got to his feet and hugged her.

“Cinda, it’s good to see you. How’s the kennels?”