Page 11 of Rhett

“Just working. How about you?”

“Same. Dad has a hell of an operation here. Who knew mini horses would sell so much?”

“Does he let you run everything?” Rhett placed his booted feet up on the rail of the porch like Nate had his.

“Mostly. You know he’s supposed to take it easy, but that’s like trying to rope the wind.” Nate shook his head.

“He’ll never slow down, Nate. He can’t. It killed him when he sold the ranch, but thankfully, Mom could talk him into doing this.”

Nate chuckled. “He did thisforMom. She’s the one who wanted to raise and sell minis.”

“I know, but Dad hated giving up his ranch. He sold a lot of beef.”

“It was too much work for him. His blood pressure would be through the roof if he didn’t take his meds.”

“At least it gives him a purpose,” Rhett said as he stared across the yard at the barns. He grinned when he saw the little horses running around the corral.

“I suppose. So, you still like working for Calder?”

“He’s a great boss. I’m glad he finally found a good woman. Mitzie’s great.”

“A good woman is what every man needs. You got one yet?” Nate grinned.

“No. Damn, Nate, I think I’m just like Calder and can’t find one.”

“But he did, so you will.”

“I hope so. I’d love to have what you and Penelope have.”

“You’ll find someone soon.”

“I hope sooner than later,” Rhett said with a smirk.

“You’re not getting any younger,” Nate teased.

“I’m thirty-three, Nate. I know you’re teasing, but it’s the damn truth.” Rhett rubbed his nape.

“It’ll happen. Hell, I didn’t meet Penelope until I was thirty. Now, look at us. We’re happy and have two beautiful babies.”

“I don’t know how you do it with two eighteen-month-olds. You just had to have twins,” Rhett said, shaking his head.

They sat on the porch until the temps dropped. It was damn cold, but he wanted to spend time with his brother. Rhett loved seeing his family, but he knew he’d miss Clifton. A week would seem like a lifetime to him. It was too bad he couldn’t bring his dogs, but they would have been in the way, especially with the babies. They were better off with Cin.

Cin.He had always found her attractive. Especially after Heidi broke up with him, he never made a move because she didn’t seem interested in him. He wasn’t sure what it was, but she never seemed to look at him other than as a friend. He mentally shook his head.

“You’re quiet,” Nate said.

“Just thinking.”

“About a woman?”

Rhett glanced over at him and back at the yard.

“Yeah. I’ve known her for a long time, but she doesn’t seem interested. Remember Heidi?” Nate nodded. “Cin was her best friend back then.”

“I’m sorry. Did you saysin?”

Rhett laughed. “Her full name is Lucinda, and everyone calls her Cinda. Except me. I have always called her Cin.”